An Unexpected Love (Complicated Love Series #2)

Free An Unexpected Love (Complicated Love Series #2) by D M Midgley

Book: An Unexpected Love (Complicated Love Series #2) by D M Midgley Read Free Book Online
Authors: D M Midgley
not telling her that there are no feelings there on my part because I hate to think of the lecture she would give me. I’m trying my hardest not to think about a particular hot, blue-eyed Oxford guy that invades my thoughts even after all these years. I start thinking about him, and then I remember the hurt I felt and the anger surfaces. This is why I can’t think about him! I’m glad that he lives so far away. I always speak to Annabelle, but we never talk about him and there’s no need to. Sometimes I feel like I’m using Brandon, but he seems content to continue as we are. He treats me great and never expects anything from me. I feel so comfortable around him, it can get awkward when we don’t know what to say to each other half the time, but it’s also weird that I feel safe and comfortable around him. He hasn’t met my parents yet, and I haven’t met his father. Meeting the parents hasn’t been talked about. My parents know about him, but I like to keep them out of my life at all costs. They never approved of me moving to Los Angeles, and to top it off they always seem to have an opinion about everything. I feel like I’m not good enough, but they would approve of Brandon and the fact he manages a magazine company called L.A Gossips. It’s a magazine about celebrities and what they get up to. When I first learned about what he did, it was a shock because I never pictured him running a magazine. Maybe a financial advisor or accountant or something, but a gossip magazine was not what I imagined him doing. He seems to love his job though and he’s kind of a workaholic.
    It’s Saturday and I have the weekend off, so I’m going for a relaxing day. I don’t have any plans to see Brandon, and Lily is busy nursing a hangover from a party she went to last night. I’ve spent the morning watching junk television and browsing through magazines. I don’t spend a lot of time relaxing in my pajamas so when a day comes around that I can, I take it. I’m just tucking into my chicken sandwich when my cell starts ringing. I glance at the screen and notice it’s Lily.
    “Hey Lily, what’s up?” I hope the reason she’s calling has nothing to do with getting up from this couch because I’m too comfortable right now.
    “Hey girl, fancy a girls’ night out, tonight? Let’s check out some clubs…dancing, drinking, that type of thing?” It had to be something like this. When I first moved here permanently we used to go out loads, but that all stopped when I found out I was pregnant. I instantly wanted to change the way I was when I moved here, but what Karl did hurt me, and finding out I was pregnant was even worse…
    I looked at the two pink lines on the test and it was like the walls were closing in on me. Why did this have to happen, and with Karl’s baby? My heart was breaking so much since I returned from London. I couldn’t help how he made me feel, and his rejection stung so much.
    Still I’m going to have a baby.
    It took me a while to get my head around being pregnant…three weeks to be exact. I’d decided to keep the baby a secret up till this stage, but I’m definitely having it. I’d made an appointment to see the doctor. Now that I knew in my mind what I was going to do, I needed to get checked out. The appointment was booked for that afternoon and I was going on my own. The only person I knew over here was Lily and she was still a stranger to me, so I had to go alone. It was horrible being over here when my parents and Annabelle were back in London, but I had to keep this a secret for now. I couldn’t have Karl knowing about it. We used a condom for god’s sake and I still get pregnant! He made it quite clear that he didn’t want me, and he soon moved on, so this needed to be kept quiet.
    Arriving at the doctor’s office I felt all kinds of scared and my hands were shaking really badly. I walked through the double glass doors and made my way to the reception desk. I gave my name and she

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