Two Can Play

Free Two Can Play by K.M. Liss

Book: Two Can Play by K.M. Liss Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Liss
right now. I've confused her plans. I need to tone it down. Be more subtle .
    I try a humorous approach to lighten the atmosphere.
    “Let's see how it goes. Co-habit for a week and see if the attraction survives.” I smile in what I hope is an appealing manner.
    The humor and my winning smile seem to work as she laughs out loud.
    “Now then, hot stuff, let's eat some more of this monster, shall we?” I say, diving in.
    I might have to pull out all the stops with this one. She's got right under my skin, down to the bones, in just about every way that appeals to me. And, it seems, a few new ones as well. But I've got a week. Tons of time to work my way in there.
    We arrive back in the cab. I'm not feeling the effects of the champagne much at all as I'm stuffed to the brim with pizza and swimming in chocolate ice cream. It's absorbing the alcohol nicely. We go inside and drag our overfed selves upstairs, flopping on the sofas.
    “ I won't need to eat a thing tomorrow,” I say patting my rounded stomach.
    “ Or the next day, either,” he agrees, patting his.
    “ I really can't go to bed feeling like this. I'll never get to sleep. Shall we put some music on?”
    “ That'll be cool...what've you got?”
    “ My iPod's there. Choose something you like,” I suggest.
    I open my laptop and play around on Facebook, looking him up. I find him fairly quickly and send him a friend request.
    “You've got a lot of really funny stuff in here,” he says, smirking at me, scrolling through my huge music library.
    “ I know. Anything in particular you like, though?”
    “ Crusaders...Sly...James Brown...classic soul stuff. I kinda like all that, I guess, but it's not my favorite. Oh ha way...not the Osmonds? You're kidding me.”
    “ Blame my mother, because she was their number one fan and still is. I completely love the Osmonds. Especially Jay, and Love Me For a Reason makes me go all shivery, the lyrics are so sweet.” I grin at him.
    “ Right, well I don't think I've heard that one. I'll take your word for it....” He hums to himself as he browses, his face breaking into a broad grin. “Oh Kate, you're so cute...Barry White and Stevie Wonder?” I tut at him. “Now what's this I see...amazing, it's actually 21st century, just about, Bon Jovi and Aerosmith. Like a bit of oldie rock, do you?”
    “ More than like, it's damn hot.”
    “ Each to their own, not my kinda thing...I think I need to re-educate your musical taste at some stage.”
    “ I'm happy with what I like already, thank you very much,” I object.
    “ But most of it is fucking dreadful,” he says, “but despite that, I've managed to find one.”
    “ Plug it in the speakers on the shelf up there.”
    Bruno Mars, “Just The Way You Are” starts up.
    I look up as he smiles at me.
    “ Oh funny, ha ha. Find something else, mister.”
    “ I like it. It's catchy.”
    “ I can tell you're definitely not a Bruno Mars fan. Pick something you like.”
    “ Okay, I admit it. It's not really me. He's a great laugh though.”
    “ You know Bruno?” I ask in awe. I'm easily starstruck. Kinda sad, I know.
    “ Yep, we've hung out a few times...ahh, here we go. Definitely more me.” He sniggers to himself, dirtily.
    I laugh as it begins. Jason Derulo, “Talk Dirty To Me.”
    Typical... But a great song, anyway.
    “ ...I'm that flight that you get on, international. First class seat on my lap girl, riding comfortable...”
    I can't stop myself singing this one.
    “Nothing like a song with dirty lyrics, is there?” I mutter, “I wish I'd written that one.” I admit with a long sigh.
    “ It's tame compared to some I've heard. And for all I know you've written something far dirtier yourself. I don't know, do I, because you won't show me.”
    I give him a dark and dirty look to go with the dirty song.
    He leaves the room and returns a moment later with his laptop.
    He faffs around setting the password for a minute, getting connected

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