Executive Affair

Free Executive Affair by Ber Carroll

Book: Executive Affair by Ber Carroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ber Carroll
escaped into the fresh evening air, she felt flushed from the bourbon. It had gone straight to her head and it took her a few seconds to remember the direction of the train station.
    Claire’s next meeting with Frank Williams didn’t go any better than her first. Later in the week, when she was signing a big stack of sales orders, she came across a problem. Though it related to Frank, she phoned Alan Harris first because he should have seen and dealt with the problem even before it got as far as her desk.
    â€˜Alan, can I see you for a minute?’
    She watched him from her office as he continued to type for a few moments before rising from his seat, making a pathetic attempt to tuck his errant shirt into his trousers.
    â€˜There’s a letter to this customer from Frank Williams offering ninety days’ credit. Were you aware of it?’ she asked, handing him the letter.
    â€˜Yeah, I am. What’s the problem?’ he answered, glancing at the incriminating document but not taking it from her outstretched hand.
    â€˜The problem is that neither you nor Frank have the authority to make such an offer,’ she informed him, annoyed that she had to spell out the obvious departure from policy. ‘It needs to be cleared by the treasury department in the US.’
    â€˜I really don’t know what you’re fussing about. The customer is a low risk. There’s no issue.’ His tone was insolent.
    â€˜Alan, you know very well that anything over ninety days needs corporate approval,’ she said, making an effort to keep her voice level. ‘It doesn’t matter how safe the customer is, you still have to document your case.’
    â€˜Well, you’d better tell Frank then. He won’t be pleased,’ he said smugly.
    Claire dialled Frank’s extension. She told him a problem had come up and asked him to come around to her office.
    â€˜What’s all the drama about?’ Frank asked when he arrived a few minutes later.
    â€˜This letter. I can’t authorise shipment to the customer until treasury clears the terms,’ she said bluntly.
    â€˜You can’t be serious. The customer needs the shipment urgently.’ Frank’s voice was raised with instant aggression.
    â€˜Sorry, but you both know the rules. You shouldn’t have made the commitment without getting the proper approvals,’ she stated, trying not to waver under his wrath.
    â€˜That’s the problem with people like you!’ Frank’s face was an intimidating few inches from hers. ‘You waste my time on red tape. You hinder the sale process rather than help it!’
    He slammed the door viciously in his wake, leaving her to deal with a smirking Alan.
    â€˜You should have known better,’ she said harshly. ‘Don’t ever let something like that through again.’
    Alan backed down in the face of her anger. ‘Sorry,’ he muttered, though he didn’t sound as if he really meant it.
    When he’d gone back to his desk, Claire took a few deep breaths and wondered what she had taken on with this job. Alan was obviously going to need to be closely managed to keep in line. All of the senior managers, Frank and Brian and Steve and David, had twenty to thirty years experience on her and she would need to be as tough as them if she was to earn their respect. Yes, she had Harry to fall back on. But she wanted to show him, to show all of them, that she could play at their level.

Chapter 7
    The weeks and months blurred together: busy days at work, walks on the beach, and smoky barbecues on the balcony. Claire had been in Sydney two months. The city felt familiar by now, almost like home. She missed her family, and Susan, but only a little. She was becoming more and more confident with her job. Emma was onside and was now quite friendly. Alan Harris was under control. The job was fulfilling and challenging and added to her overall happiness.

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