Law's End

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Book: Law's End by Glenn Douglass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenn Douglass
Tags: adventure, Travel, Future, dog, space, rescue, supercluster
how intense or focused the Sabha's
sensors were made to sweep ahead of them they detected nothing. No
portion of the electromagnetic spectrum was able to detect the
shift in the laws of physics that was called Law's End. As far as
could be determined they were simply transiting another
unremarkable stretch of interstellar space.
Only slightly disappointed by the lack of
stimuli Kassad turned to practical matters. "Very well, if the
supply ship's numbers are right we'll pass Law's End in five
minutes. I am shutting down and disconnecting all faster than light
drives." A series of console taps and physical switch flips
resulted in some ominous mechanical thudding. "Shutting down and
disconnecting reactionless drive." Another series of console taps
and the unlocking and toggling of a big bar attached to multiple
switches resulted in a tremendous bang that was even more felt than
heard as the remaining stored potential energy was released into
the ship's hull. "Running all circuits through redundant buffers
and bringing all manual controls online." This time the commands
made half of the console controls go dark and the virtual display
entered a minimalist mode where everything outside the cockpit was
rendered in a simplified wireframe style. "There we are, ready for
Lawless space."
Unclenching her hands through an exercise of
will Greene said, "I hope so."
"What's the worst that could happen?" Kassad
In Kassad's own mind the answer was that they'd
have to turn around empty handed thus foregoing the mission's
lucrative payday. The matter of the Lawship barely rose to the
level of a trivial annoyance, and one Kassad had already decided to
ignore. He had also set aside any concerns about Law's End and
decided to treat the region as just another hazardous flight
Ignoring the question and all the worst case
scenarios that it brought up Greene asked, "Why do you think we're
out here? Why is that Lawship out here waiting for us?"
Kassad gave his passenger an appraising look
before conceding that she probably knew only as much as he himself
did. "All I know is that this is not just a simple rescue
It wasn't what Greene wanted to hear, but if it
was something that could affect the success of the mission then she
had to know. "Why not?"
Hesitating for a moment Kassad relented that
his suspicions weren't a matter for secrecy. "The pay's too good,
that Lawship cannot be a coincidence, and the last time I did a job
for Professor Fitzgerald I almost ended up in a penal colony."
A horrified "What?" blurted out of Greene's
In exaggerated innocence Kassad said, "I can't
believe Cameron would fail to mention that defining moment of our
professional relationship."
"No he didn't." Greene stated sternly before
asking the obvious, "Why would you ever consent to work for him
Shrugging nonchalantly Kassad explained, "The
pay's too good, I never let a Lawship bother me unduly, and the
last time I did a job for Professor Fitzgerald he kept me out of
that penal colony."
If Greene's facial expression could be trusted
the revelation had open up a world of unpleasant possibilities to
be considered. "So what do you suspect is going on?"
In half honesty Kassad answered, "I've no idea
whatsoever, and you?"
Shaking her head worriedly Greene said, "I
never even met Fitzgerald before Law's End shifted. I just want my
husband back."
Kassad tried to reassure his passenger, "I'll
do my best…" he was cut off as the color drained out of the world
and went grayscale. Blinking at the familiar surroundings of the
Sabha's cockpit rendered in black and white Kassad concluded, "It
looks like we're here."
"It's just a shift in the way our brains are
processing visual data. Other senses are also affected." Greene
explained so as to feel more in control of the situation. "It will
get worse the longer we're here. Complete blindness shouldn't occur
for at least two months so long as we don't linger in space;
there's something about the

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