Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)

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Book: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) by Arabella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arabella Rose
anything happen to you, try to relax”
    Where the fuck was that healer?
    Brianna tried to speak but he shook his head, keeping his gaze on her. Running footsteps in the hall were heavy, every impact sending pain in her head. Wincing, she closed her eyes briefly. She could hear voices, but she was just so tired, why the hell wont they stop talking, she really needed to rest. Marcus was so relieved as soon as he saw Michael.
    “What happened Marcus?”
    “She has a puncture wound to the side, which has healed but she is struggling to breathe”
    Brianna felt bereft when those warm safe hands dropped from her face , she wanted them back, her wolf howled in mourning. All too suddenly she scented another male, his hands were on her side. Panicking she lashed out at the unknown scent. Before the familiar scent she craved was back beside her.
    “Baby, calm down, trust me when I say I will not anything happen to you, Michael is our healer, he needs to check where you are injured”
    Forcing her eyes open, she looked up at the tall man with blond hair and blue eyes, any other time in another reality she would have thought him cute, but as her eyes focused on Marcus, and the deep concern in those green eyes, she knew right then that after today her life was going to change. Nodding, she smiled gently as Marcus lay her on the bed propping her up with many pillows. He climbed on the bed, kneeling beside her, stroking her hair, soothing her wolf. Michael examined her, cool metal touched her chest as he listened to her breathing pattern.
    “Brianna , the puncture wound has healed over the problem. Your right lung is full of fluid, which is why you are struggling for breath, I need to drain the fluid”
    She could hear Michael’s voice but it was fading, the words becoming echoes before she welcomed a solitude of darkness.
    Marcus knew the moment she had blacked out.
    “Shit! Michael do something now for fucks sake”
    He knew he was yelling but he was quickly becoming panicked. He could not lose her, not when he had just found her again. He could hear Michael pulling equipment out of his bag, but his eyes never left his mate.
    “Marcus, it’s not going to be pretty but I have to open the puncture site and put in a chest tube”
    “Do it Michael, she is mine, my mate, mine to protect, now you do everything you can to save her”
    His last words came out as a growl, the need to shift was clawing under his skin. It took all of his strength to force the wolf back down. As he watched the scalpel cut his mate he wanted to tear open the healer, his wolf snarling in protest. Michael made quick work, putting the chest tube in, immediately blood poured into the collection bag, he held his breath watching the rise of her chest. Seconds passed before a gentle normal pattern began.
    Brianna had been in such a peaceful place, before quite literally feeling as if she had resurfaced from her grave. Gasping hard she dragged in the precious air and bolted upright. Firm hands pushed her gently back on the pillows.
    “Baby, please stay still, your safe”
    Marcus looked to Michael who nodded and smiled giving him the confirmation he needed that she was going to be ok.
    “Thank you Michael”
    “No problem Marcus, I think that is all of the fl uid, as soon as I remove the tube her wolf will take over the healing process. She will need rest but should be back to normal tomorrow, I will check her regularly though just to be safe”
    Marcus wa tched his healer finish his treatment, then leave the room, before returning is attention to Brianna. He stroked her hair off her face, pleased to see her colour had returned and her breathing was back to normal.
    “Air is so under rated” she laughed.
    He laughed with her, the tension was leaving his body. Brianna had never felt so panicked in her life, such a precious necessary function being taken away like that scared the shit out of her. Her wolf had stopped panicking and was now content, eyes calm. She

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