The Guardian of My Soul (Soul's Desire)

Free The Guardian of My Soul (Soul's Desire) by Emily A. Lawrence

Book: The Guardian of My Soul (Soul's Desire) by Emily A. Lawrence Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily A. Lawrence
top of its head. All the talismans had inserts of pink crystals and it was precious, but I didn’t know what to think of the frog.
    “It’s lovely,” I said, trying to put it on my left wrist, but my hands were shaking. I was nervous.
    “Here, let me help.” He sat down beside me and took my hand in his, fastening the tiny chain. I quivered at the contact.
    “Thank you.”
    “See, I don’t bite. Hard.” He gave me a warm smile.
    I didn’t know what to say, so I turned my attention to the bracelet. I loved it. I didn’t know why it was one of my favorite things, but it was. “There’s no card? Dang it! Now I won’t know who gave this to me.” Was someone trying to tell me something?
    He didn’t answer, but stood up, doing a quick scan of my unwrapped gifts.
    “Thanks for bringing all the gifts in.”
    “You’re welcome.” He was paying attention to me, but he wasn’t looking at me. “It looks like you could open a department store. You received more gifts than most people get in all their birthdays put together.”
    “Are you just trying to upset me?” I asked.
    “I must admit it amuses me how you respond to me. It’s also funny how all these things can make you smile. As if you couldn’t afford to buy them yourself anyway.”
    My mouth dropped open when I heard his comment. It hurt. “What are you implying?”
    “You were born and raised in luxury. You can afford to buy anything you could possibly want...I mean...look around you for a second. But, is this what truly makes you happy? Material things?”
    My cheeks flushed and I felt my heart race. I was embarrassed at how he saw me. “Are you calling me materialistic? Alec, you don’t even know me. How can you judge me?” I whispered, very near to tears.
    “I’m not judging. I’m merely asking a question. I just think you should look for happiness and satisfaction from another source, that’s all.”
    “Did I ask for you to psychoanalyze me?” I choked back a sob. “You think just because your father is so close to me and my mom it gives you the right to judge me without knowing anything about me? You know, you’re nothing like your father! He’s nice and polite, whereas you’re cold and uncaring. Have you forgotten who I am?” I grabbed a pillow off the bed, hugging it to me so tight I almost squeezed the feathers out of the casing.
    “The fact you’re wealthy doesn’t make you better than me in any way. I might be impressed by your looks or your mind, but I’ll never be impressed with your bank account,” he retorted. “And you’re certainly not my boss.” His eyes narrowed at me.
    Anger washed over me. “I never said I was! And I don’t want to be. Why are you still here anyway? What if I tell Mom what you said to me?”
    “Aren’t you a full grown woman? Why do you run to your mom to save you whenever there’s a bump in the road?”
    I couldn’t contain my first impulse and threw myself at him. I tried to grab him by his shirt, but found my fingers molded against hard muscle. His face was mere inches away from mine and I could feel his breath. “What’s your problem with me?” I questioned, feeling at a loss.
    He put his big hands over mine, but didn’t try to free himself or back away. “I have no problem with you. It’s apparent you have one with me. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you don’t dislike me as much as you pretend.” He chastised me, his lips parting slightly as he inhaled sharply.
    My eyes locked on them and for a moment I forgot what we were arguing about, distracted by those sensual looking lips. Such a strange sensation I’d never felt before. My pulse accelerated, my breathing intensified and goose bumps danced over my suddenly warm body. The clean smell of his soap only made matters worse and as if on cue, I flushed. What am I doing? Quickly, I drew back. He let me go. Embarrassed, I scooted to the far end of the bed and shut my eyes, trying to control my uneven breathing patterns.

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