Reason to Wed (The Distinguished Rogues Book 7)
stared into her eyes, almost gray but rimmed by blue, he realized. She was incredibly kissable. “I’m starting to think you like me.”
    “Oh, be quiet.” She closed her eyes and began to move.
    Straddling his thighs as she was, it seemed a bit awkward at first to make love this way, so Richard grasped her hips to guide her. “Allow me.”
    He lifted and lowered her on his length, driving himself toward crazed very quickly. Esme was unlike other woman he’d made love to. She aroused him so easily and now that he had her wrapped around him once more, he never wanted the moment to end.
    He met her gaze as they made love to each other. Esme rocked and ground her sex against him as if she too had fallen under a spell, oblivious to anything but the passion curling around them. Richard kissed her hard, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as he had last night and letting his hands fall from her hips so he could embrace her.
    He needed her. Gods, he’d needed her for so long.
    Esme continued her slow grind on his cock and he widened his legs a touch so she would have more of him. She groaned and buried her face against his neck. Her body quivered. “Oh, that’s perfect.”
    Quickly, Richard touched her clitoris. The bud was large and when he rubbed it, Esme clutched him. She came apart with a sob muffled by his shoulder, quite unlike her throaty yell by the river last night but just as satisfying to his ears.
    She lifted her head immediately, stared at him with dazed, heat-filled eyes and red, parted lips. Her pussy fluttered and squeezed around his length. When it happened again and again, he shuddered. If she could keep that up his release would be unavoidable. Her look alone would bring any man to his knees, but combined with her other talents he might not have any control where she was concerned.
    Esme rose and he forced her back down as he filled her body with his seed on a hoarse shout.
    Richard dragged her head to his shoulder again and she cuddled against him for a long moment while he caught his breath. “I must confess I’d hoped for another romp with you all morning, but that was entirely too quick. Maybe the chaise for a second round? As soon as I catch my breath I will carry you there and begin again properly.”
    “There’s no need.”
    Esme abruptly extracted herself from his embrace while he sat in stunned silence, trousers around his thighs, cock softening and exposed. When Esme wasn’t arguing with him, she was delightful in every respect. “I hadn’t minded holding you. That was lovely.”
    Her expression when she looked at him was apologetic. “I don’t normally do that.”
    He wanted to rejoice in her embarrassment but bit his lip to hold it in a moment longer. A flustered Esme was too amusing and rare. “Use men for sex when you’re angry?”
    She nodded and he let loose a hearty chuckle. “I didn’t mind in the least,” he assured her. “In fact, you could do that to me again and again and I’d never complain. Hopefully, next time I can last a little longer. I am grateful it wasn’t me who irritated you so much though.”
    “You did irritate me. But it was something Meriwether said that provoked me to,” she waved a hand in his direction, “do that.”
    “Oh.” Richard stood and straightened his clothes. “What did the buffoon have to say for himself today?”
    “He forgave me for falling for your charms and in the next breath assured me we could go on as usual when we return to London.”
    “As I said—a buffoon.” Richard shook his head. “Your avoidance of married men is well known.”
    She considered him a long time and then her eyes sparkled with amusement at last. “I am very glad you understand that. You have to marry soon so this must end before then.”
    “Agreed.” He observed Esme. Intelligent, passionate, a perfectly poised woman in any situation, including arguments. Yes, passion with Esme was all very fine, but was anything more, deeper, out of the

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