Hungry for Love

Free Hungry for Love by Nancy Frederick

Book: Hungry for Love by Nancy Frederick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Frederick
he pulled his Porsche out of Bill ’ s driveway.
    Bill felt as though he ’ d been taken hostage , but what was he to do ?   He followed along next to Laura as a hyper animated banquet consultant named Betty rhapsodized about the many spectacular events which had taken place there over the years.  As she spoke , her arms moved frenetically , her eyes rolled with joy , and numerous happy smiles were interspersed with nervous laughs. 
    Bill looked about at the dance floor , the many round tables , and considered if this could possibly be a suitable location for a simple birthday party.
    “ Just picture the magic ,” sighed Betty , “ All your friends in this room—as many as two hundred.  For the last party , we hung strings of lights along several of the walls and at the windows.  It was so magical.  Truly.  Magical. ”   She sighed with orgasmic pleasure , then took a deep breath and continued , “ We can recommend orchestras , caterers , or do the whole thing for you.  Doves even.  You could—wait—are you ready for this—you could be the one to pop out of the cake. ”   She patted Laura on the arm.
    Laura laughed at that possibility and then realizing there was nobody who would be delighted to see her emerging from any sort of giant cake , sighed deeply and said , “ No , the party ’ s for his girlfriend , not my husband. ”
    Nodding rapidly , Betty ’ s eyes glistened with another fantastic idea , “ Well then , why be sexist.  A handsome guy like you—beefcake jumping out of the cake.  Think about it—ohh what magic. ”
    “ We have a rickshaw you know ,” continued Betty before Bill could either think or reply. “ And your darling fiancée could ride into her party in that.  You could dress as a slave pulling her in , or we could provide slaves. ”   Then she gasped , aware of her potential faux pas ,   “ Not actual slaves of course. ”
    Bill nodded affably , accepting Betty ’ s card , and saying , “ We ’ ll think about it and get back to you. ”
    As they walked toward Bill ’ s car , Laura said , “ Seemed a bit overblown.  Too fiftieth anniversary or salesman of the year. ”
    “ I ’ d say have it at home , but no way to make it a surprise then. ”
    Laura smiled.  “ A back yard barbecue.  Kids running around. ”
    “ Lounge chairs.  Chickens on a spit ,” said Bill.
    “ Couple nice pasta salads ,” said Laura , “ Those are my favorite parties. ”
    Bill nodded , “ Me too. ”
    The next place was in Santa Monica , and Bill and Laura enjoyed sitting outdoors on a nice patio , sampling the beautiful food that was set in front of them.
    “ I know you don ’ t like her , but she really was so sweet.  So sunny.  Always giving the kids treats when we ’ d see her at the mall.  We had such a good time together—it was like being a family again ,” sighed Bill.
    Laura smiled at him , “ Maybe so , but I ’ ve just never seen that side of Chrissy.  To me she just seems vapid. ”
    “ Oh it ’ s this damn diet she ’ s on.  Won ’ t listen to a word I say.  So wound up I expect to hear her head go pop.  She could commit a crime and any jury would let her off. ”
    Laura laughed and nodded , “ Diet defense. ”
    “ When that woman suggested we jump out of a cake , all I could think would be she ’ d see the cake and scream like I was torturing her with it.  Maybe we ’ re on the wrong track.  Maybe we should just have the party at a spa.  Serve water ices or something ?”   Bill grimaced , realizing he wasn ’ t even joking.
    Laura ’ s mind had wandered. She spoke almost more to herself than to Bill.  “ You know , I said no to Kevin about a million times.  He was just so determined.  And I figured he must care so much , so deeply , to pursue me so intensely.  I thought I ’ d be so safe.  Never occurred to me that the thrill was the chase , not me. ”
    Bill saw the sad look cross her face and wondered was Kevin

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