Escape From Dinosauria (Dinopocalypse Book 1)

Free Escape From Dinosauria (Dinopocalypse Book 1) by Vincenzo Bilof, Max Booth III

Book: Escape From Dinosauria (Dinopocalypse Book 1) by Vincenzo Bilof, Max Booth III Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vincenzo Bilof, Max Booth III
We could save the world with this. We could do it.”
    Kenshin breathed in deeply through his mouth.
    “Millions of dollars. All the women I could want. Anything I wanted. Just have to hang out here until the job was finished. I’ve got money in the bank. Offshore accounts. Everything’s offshore from this place. Everything’s offshore. My entire life. You and Tanaka said I would have everything I could ever want. No, not even millions. Billions of dollars. Billions. ”
    This was supposed to happen. Many of these same words had bubbled beneath the surface of his skin when he saw Tanaka the last time. One of the dinosaurs had been modified by Kresevich’s tampering and Kenshin had caught on. He caught on to a lot more than that as the investigation led him deeper into a dark hole from which he and Tanaka could never recover. As careful and as thorough as he was, he ultimately failed. His failures led to this moment.
    “What do you have to say for yourself?” Doctor Israel said. “This is a clusterfuck. Do you know what that means? That means you can take your piece of shit sword and shove it up your ass, or into your stomach because I know ninjas kill themselves once they’ve fucked up. Yeah, Kenshin. You can go kill yourself. Do us all a favor.”
    Another deep breath.
    “You know what? You’re a liar. You’re the one who’s trying to kidnap me.”
    Deep breath number three.
    “Ha. Yeah. You betrayed Tanaka. You went nuts. Look at you. You’re insane, man. You’re the only one who knows even one percent of what I know. You’ve kidnapped me. Yeah. You’ve kidnapped me.”
    The accusation hung in the air. Long silence. Kenshin tried to differentiate the smell of the earth from the smell of blood. He was soaked in the gore of innocents, dinosaurs, and men he had trained.
    “You’re just going to sit there,” Doctor Israel said.
    “No. I have shed blood. Many people died today. You are right. This is my fault. I underestimated Kresevich and became lazy. Somewhere, I made a mistake. The consequences are dire. But I may still fight for the future. I may still fight for Tanaka’s dream.”
    “Tanaka’s dream?” Doctor Israel screeched his words. “What about my dream? Huh? None of this would have been possible. None of it. I have changed the world. I have changed the world and you assholes ruined every fucking thing I worked my ass off for.”
    Kenshin slowly stood and Doctor Israel backed up.
    “Tell me why,” Kenshin said.
    “Why what?”
    “Why you decided to become a scientist?”
    “You already know, man. You did the research. You know my story. We about to get philosophical?” Doctor Israel spat a wad of phlegm on Kenshin’s foot.
    Kenshin looked into the young man’s moist eyes. “When we are challenged, we must remember why.”
    A shrill, agonized voice sounded from down the tunnel. A hunched figure approached, and as the face came into view, a hurt that could only be felt in his heart froze him in place.
    “Oh, I remember why,” Izanami said.
    Tanaka’s wife. He knew the sound of her laughter and the sweet happiness that filled the air when she was beside Tanaka. This damaged voice of hers could not belong to the same person. The Izanami he knew would never have betrayed the man she loved for the idea that she could become the perfect woman.
    Clutching her stomach, her eyes shimmering with gold light in the darkness, her once lustrous black hair was nothing more than a few wayward strands clinging desperately to her skull. The flesh on her perfect face looked as hard as brick wall, the softness having faded into a scaly mask. Her breasts sagged mightily in her shirt, dragging her down like weights hanging from her body. Her knees and ankles were twisted awkwardly, and one arm seemed to be shorter than the other.
    “No way,” Doctor Israel said. The fear in his voice was real.
    “You’re right,” Izanami said, “Kenshin is an asshole.” She turned to her former friend. “Tanaka

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