New Title 1

Free New Title 1 by Allen Takerra

Book: New Title 1 by Allen Takerra Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allen Takerra
eye candy to the fellas who were locked down. This day, her friend Jordin had opted for a Juicy sweat-suit that hid the slight weight gain that had started taking place during these first two years of Slim’s incarceration.
    The girls went through the whole check in process and were seated waiting for Slim to emerge as they small talked.
    In the back of her mind, Noelle had wondered what it would be like to see Slim. Before he got locked up, she sort of avoided being around him, never wanting to give away the fact that she had slipped and slept with him when she was only fifteen years old. But the few times they had been around each other, it had been decent. She knew that he checked her out every now and then, but so did everyone, and it was innocent, nothing worth mentioning. And she definitely didn’t feel anymore attraction to him, even though she did find him attractive. He was Jordin’s man now, and they were serious, and plus she had just started getting serious with Julez. He was on the verge of taking it to the next level, and she would never….
    “ What’s going on Miss Noelle?”
    Noelle looked up at the ebony God who she had given her precious cherry to about seven years prior and couldn’t believe what he had transformed into. He was sexy, in a rugged way, always had been, but now tattoos adorned his lean body and he had an extra dose of damn . He had a swagger about him that read laid back but also not to be fucked with. And she could tell all of the guys respected him by the way they all looked and nodded. The attraction was so strong, she had to look down.
    “ H-Hey Slim, what’s up?” She was nervous, shy, not herself.
    He leaned down into her face.
    “ H-Hey Slim, what’s up,” he mocked with a deadly smile and a deep baritone. “Girl, stand up and give me some love.” Jordin just giggled, being too naive as Slim and Noelle embraced. Had she been anyone else, anyone who didn’t trust her best friend and her man the way that she did, she would’ve seen the chemistry between them. She would have seen the way they held eye contact for too long. She would’ve seen the way they inhaled each other’s scent. She would’ve seen the way he didn’t want to let her go. She would’ve seen him lick his lips like Noelle was fresh baked sweet potato pie. She would have seen… them.
    The visit played out with Jordin’s talking, filling Slim in on information about his appeal, about his team who had abandoned him, about how she was struggling, all of that which was only the soundtrack to Slim and Noelle’s moments of stolen lust. No matter how hard he had tried, Slim simply could not keep his eyes off of Noelle, and vice versa. By the end of the visit, Noelle’s heart was racing. She had tried to think of Julez who she was growing fast feelings for. She was trying to think of Jordin who she loved dearly. She even thought of her daughter McKenzie who loved both Julez and Jordin as much as she did, but no matter what, she couldn’t stop thinking about Slim.
    When Jordin had asked Noelle one day not too long after about giving Slim her address, because someone he was locked down with claimed he had known Noelle and wanted to drop her a line, Noelle had a feeling what it really was. By this time she was living with Julez so she had passed on her mother’s address to have the letter sent there. She couldn’t deny the feeling she received when her mother handed it to her one day.
    “ Here Noelle! I don’t know why you got this mail coming here, you living with that rich ass guy now. Have it sent to his house!” Noelle’s mom was fiery just like her and everyone loved her, including Julez. Noelle had taken the letter, locked herself in the bathroom and tore into it. It melted in her hands.
    I don’t know why I’m doing this. Even as I’m writing, I’m trying to stop myself from penning these words, but I can’t. I know there’s a good chance that

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