
Free Rapture by Perri Forrest

Book: Rapture by Perri Forrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Perri Forrest
Hunter’s personal assistant, and Hunter sent me to assist you this morning,” she said, holding up a carry bag.
    “Hunter…?” I posed.
    “Oh,” she smiled. “Rush is what you know him by. I never call him that.” She rolled her eyes. “And I won’t. He’s Hunter to me.”
    “Okay,” I told her, with a half shrug. He had introduced himself to me as Rush, so that’s what I’d be calling him. Whatever their dynamics were, it wasn’t my concern, but I would’ve been lying if I said it didn’t pique my interest just a little bit.
    Gigi pulled a few items from the bag she had with her. “I brought you new panties that I stopped off for. I’m assuming you already have a bra, right?”
    “Okay, great. I have a pair of jeans and a shirt and two pairs of shoes…size seven and a half, to choose from. I’ve been designated as your shopping partner.”
    “Shopping…?” I queried. “Shopping for what?”
    “Clothes, underwear, shoes, toiletries, sleepwear !” she laughed. “ What else ? Hunter wants you to be comfortable. Food for your fridge, snacks… everything . He said you’d be staying with us for a while, so you have to have a wardrobe, and basic necessities. I mean, we don’t need to get everything today, but I’m sure you’ll want something besides stuff I can’t fit because of these hips,” she teased. “He told me you were about a size 8/9, so this was what I found for you in the interim.”
    Wow ! What was happening? He had said that he wanted to help me, but I had no idea it would be at the level it was turning out to be. Allowing me to stay for a while? Buying me things? I wanted to ask why he was being so generous, but would it mean that I was blocking blessings to do so? My heart warmed from the inside as I thought about the level of kindness he was showing me. There hadn’t been a time in my life where someone was nice just for the sake of being nice, and while I didn’t want to ponder on it too much, I couldn’t help it. What was it about me that made someone who didn’t know me…want to help me? 
    I snapped out of my trance to respond. “He’s correct. I am a size eight,” I told her.
    Wow, he knew my size , I thought. He had checked me out . I was amused, and felt myself on the verge of a blush, but fought it off.
    “Awesome. So, after you pick a few items…” Gigi continued.
    “I have some money if we can stop by—”
    “Girl, bye! Hunter didn’t send me here to ask if you had money, so I don’t even know why that’s a part of the conversation right now,” she said, abruptly cutting me off. “Okay?”
    “ O …kay,” I responded, slowly.
    “So, as I was saying …I’m supposed to take you to where Hunter is after we’ve loaded you up with some items.”
    “Oh? And where is that?”
    “It’s to Chaos.”
    “Chaos…? What is—”
    “Girl, you ask a lot of questions,” Gigi laughed. “Just go with it. I’m sure he just wants to talk to you about a few things.”
    Her mouth was a bit much, but I liked Gigi. She was straightforward and funny. And for some reason I felt comfortable with her. She was my type of chick with her sassiness. I’d get to know her a bit before I gave it back to her though. I didn’t want to ruffle any feathers so early on. “Okay,” I responded. “Let me just get ready so I don’t hold up the process.”
    I headed into the restroom to get dressed, and for the first time in a long time, I caught a glimpse of myself in the vanity mirror. I had been afraid to look; even last night when I had taken my shower. I purposely didn’t peek before getting in the water, and then when I emerged, I was so relaxed, I didn’t want the moment ruined. I was afraid of what I might see. However, to my surprise, there wasn’t too much there, and the burning had pretty much stopped too. I was sure that the cleansing I gave my face aided in the quick healing. Adding to that was the fact that even as a child, my skin never held

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