Protect and Fur [3xtasy Lake 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Protect and Fur [3xtasy Lake 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Corinne Davies

Book: Protect and Fur [3xtasy Lake 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Corinne Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Corinne Davies
Tags: Romance
being in the universe he’d trusted to protect his Mate when he couldn’t come to her sooner.
    Of course, he planned to have a talk with Craig. He’d bet Brenna didn’t understand the complexities of Craig’s history. She’d never think that a shifter would deny his inner beast, because why would he ? He wouldn’t tell Brenna everything. Hell, even Aiden didn’t know it all, because it was Craig’s story to tell. When the time came for Aiden to leave on another mission, she needed to know that he and Craig had her best interests at heart.
    He did mean to start over with her, but not this way. There was no place for a Mate in his life, and he knew it. With his job, a Mate would be under constant threat. The idea of anyone threatening a hair on her scared him to the bone.
    He had to keep her safe, and he only knew of one way. Of course, he had fucked that up royally already. Leaving was going to hurt her again, and he didn’t know how to avoid it.
    “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” He watched the blissful afterglow drain from her features. He blinked up at her, first looking for the scalpel she threatened him with yesterday. He lifted up and pulled his softening cock from her body. His wolf snarled at the quick separation. “I’ve a job to do, Brenna.”
    She nodded as if that was the response she expected. “Will I see you tomorrow?” she asked as she pulled her robe back around herself and crawled over him. She stood up and kept her back to him as she retied the belt to her robe.
    “I’m not sure.” He watched her shoulders droop. Oh, yeah, that’s a great response, asshole.
    What had been an incredible experience had dissolved into an uncomfortable, painful situation. Aiden tucked his half-hard cock back into his pants. Not a chance, buddy, you fucked this up enough already. That was the last way he wanted to end this moment. He rose to his feet and placed a hand on each of Brenna’s shoulders.
    She shrugged off his hands. “I’m making a pot of coffee. Do you want a cup?”
    “That would be perfect, thanks.”
    As he searched for his shirt, she rushed out of the room. He took his time buttoning up, giving them both a moment to collect their thoughts.
    His pants were pretty much a mess, not that he minded. He loved that he wore proof of how passionate she was, but he left his shirt untucked, considering his cock hadn’t gotten the message that playtime was over.
    Leaving like this would be a mistake, that much was obvious, but maybe they could talk and figure it out. He’d make her understand that he was doing this for her own good. Brenna stood in the kitchen, her arms wrapped around herself, as she stared out the kitchen window. “Your coffee will be ready in a minute.”
    He glanced over at the coffee maker where a single mug and spoon sat. “Aren’t you having one?”
    “No, I’m going for a run. Do me a favor? Turn the coffeemaker off when you’re done. I’m not sure when I’ll be back.” She didn’t turn around and look at him when she pulled open the screen and stepped out onto the porch.
    Guilt pounded at him, making him feel sick. He didn’t know how to fix this. He saw her robe flutter off her shoulders a moment before she shifted into her wolf.
    “Brenna, wait.” He said her name, but she ignored him and bounded toward the woods, disappearing into the night.
    “Fuck!” He spat the curse out but didn’t feel any better.
    He stepped outside and picked up her robe. Bringing it to his face, he inhaled deeply. The natural fibers held onto her unique scent and the lingering note of her arousal. If he shifted, he would be able to find her, but what good would that do? She obviously didn’t want to talk to him, and he should take the “out” she gave him.
    Aiden walked back into the house, still holding the material to his face. There was an immense aching hole within him that a minute ago was filled with her presence . Is this how she felt when I left her that night? His wolf

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