Weaving the Strands

Free Weaving the Strands by Barbara Hinske

Book: Weaving the Strands by Barbara Hinske Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Hinske
thought you were looking for more than just a bookkeeper. I
thought you wanted a financial analyst with industry experience. I’ve got a
hotel/restaurant management degree; I can do a lot more for you than just
    Haynes snapped the pencil he was holding in half. Who
in the hell did this little slut think she was? He opened his mouth to
speak and thought better of it. He needed to compose himself. He forced a smile
and held her gaze.
    She broke the uncomfortable silence. “I’ve got a
family to support, Mr. Haynes. I was hoping for more,” she said.
    “Of course, of course,” he replied, believing that
she was being sincere. “We pride ourselves on promoting from within here at
Haynes Enterprises,” he lied. “I’m sure we can consider an expanded role after
the probationary period.”
    He rose to his feet to forestall any further
conversation on the subject. “Let me show you the office. Then we can do some
sightseeing around town and have lunch before I drop you at the airport. You
have a four o’clock flight, is that correct?”
    Haynes kept up a steady chatter on
their drive around Westbury. It was clear he loved the town and knew every nook
and cranny of it. As far as Loretta was concerned, it looked old, small, and
not the least like beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona, where she lived—or,
rather, used to live. Her current circumstances were much reduced, she reminded
herself. If this guy wanted to pay her decent money to move her here, she would
consider it. Still, she wasn’t wowed like she’d hoped to be.
    Sensing her low enthusiasm, Haynes pulled out his
ace in the hole. “You mentioned Rosemont when we talked on the phone a while
back. Would you like to drive by? It really is something to see.”
    Her head whipped up to face him, and he knew he’d
hit his mark.
    “I’d forgotten all about Rosemont,” she said even
though the house that Paul’s former wife lived in was never far from her
thoughts. “If we can, I’d like that.”
    By the time they turned into the
parking lot at The Mill for lunch, Haynes knew he had her. Loretta Nash tried
to cover up her awe at seeing Rosemont, but he knew better. Thank God it was a
weekday and Martin was at Town Hall. He’d driven up the driveway and stopped in
front so she could get a good look. He almost felt sorry for Loretta. Whatever
Paul Martin had told her about Rosemont, he obviously hadn’t characterized it
as a gorgeous stone manor house. He could practically see the wheels turning in
her head as she tried to figure out what might be in this for her.
    After barely looking at the restaurant or its
patrons, Loretta absentmindedly ordered a chicken Caesar salad without even
opening the menu.
    “I want to offer you the job as financial
analyst,” Haynes announced. If the title would entice her, what the hell did it
matter to him?
    That caught her attention.
    “Your duties will focus primarily on the accounts,
of course. But I’m sure you’ll be able to use your degree and experience. I’ll
pay your moving expenses, and you’ll have a car allowance. Plus the usual
medical and dental benefits.” He knew he was offering too much, but he wanted
to seal the deal. He made sure her starting salary doubled her current income.
    To her credit, she didn’t pounce on his offer and
accept immediately. Maybe she has some moxie after all, he mused.
    “This is a very good offer, Mr. Haynes. I need
time to think about it,” she said, knowing that her decision had been made.
“May I call you after I’ve had a chance to sleep on it?”
    “Certainly,” he said, suppressing his annoyance.
“But don’t wait too long. We have other candidates.” He could tell by the look
on her face that she didn’t believe him.

Chapter 14
    The notice from the mayor’s office,
copied and slipped under every resident’s door, caused quite a stir. Gloria
called Glenn the minute she got it.
    “What does this mean?” she asked. “Increase in

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