Death Marks (The Symbolist)

Free Death Marks (The Symbolist) by Katy Walters

Book: Death Marks (The Symbolist) by Katy Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katy Walters
religions and the Druids.'
    'I thought it was some insane message.'
    'It is a message, but no-one really knows what it means, some guess it could be the birth cycle - the three trimesters, or maybe the pagan triple Goddess. The three spokes stand for three bent legs. It developed from the prehistoric triple spiral.'
    'Pagans? I thought they were innocent, free sex, flowers, incense and drums - the ones who gather at Stonehenge for the summer solstice.'
    'Some are like that, but I the group you're dealing with, most probably read up the ancient rites and are re-enacting them —'
    She stopped, suddenly putting her hands to her cheeks.
    'What's wrong?'
    'You said one of the victims was decapitated?'
    'Yes - go on.'
    She sighed deeply, 'Then I suggest it's the druids; they decapitated their prisoners and worshipped skulls. They would then clean out the skull and pour the victim's blood into that, drinking and washing their faces in it. It was considered sacred; they attained the wisdom of the Gods. They're called the Cult of the Severed Skulls. They also covered themselves with tattoos. It was a terrible - terrible time.'
    'Tattoos? The victims had tattoos.'
    'What kind?'
    'Circles, swirling lines in circles. What do they mean?'
    'The triple spirals again. It's all connecting.' Tess rubbed her forehead, putting her hand on her chest.
    Seeing her distress, he realized he was dealing with a researcher, not a detective de-sensitized by vicious crimes, or the traffic officer clearing up the gruesome remains of a road accident. He said, 'Look if you don't want to go through with this —'
    'I'm sorry; it's such a shock. But, I have to help you. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't. But my suggestions must sound way out to you.'
    'No - no. You've given me a lot to think about.'
    'Well my work is still in the research stage.'
    'I think we're really gonna need you. Go on about these druids.'
    She bit her lip. 'To them there was no death; it was all about balance, to receive life, you sacrificed life. The Druid priest truly believed he would immediately reincarnate in the next life, as a God and the ordinary person would instantly enter another body.'
    'You've gone white. Maybe a brandy would help?'
    She flushed. 'I think I need it.' Rising she went to the drinks' cabinet taking out two brandy glasses and a bottle of Hennessey.
    'Ah Cognac no less.'
    She smiled, pouring out a generous measure, and handing it to Redd. Sitting down across from him, she took a healthy swallow, feeling the warmth flow down her throat and into her gullet. 'God that's better. For a moment, I honestly thought I was going to pass out. I just can't believe someone would do something like this.'
    After sipping his cognac in silence, giving her time to recover, he said, 'Okay, I have more information for you. The pathologist discovered a cocktail of drugs in the stomach contents, the main one being Salvia Divinorum. It has low toxicity and addictive levels, but quite lethal when mixed with the other agents.'
    Tess frowned. 'I've heard of Salvia Divinorum, originally a shamanic drug; it's widely available on the net - cheap too.'
    'Yeah, we looked it up. It's quite powerful on its own let alone mixed with others.'
    Taking another sip of cognac, Tess said, 'If the perpetrators use it they wouldn't be in any fit state to plan, and carry out the eviscerations. They must give it to the victims.'
    'Huh, we're back on evisceration - is that okay?'
    'Yes, the cognac's helping. I have to face it Chief Inspector. First, could you tell me a little more about the crime scene, you say Kingley Vale? Where were the bodies placed exactly?'
    Looking into those chocolate eyes he felt his pulse rate quicken. 'Call me Dan.'
    She flushed. 'Okay, Dan it is. I'm Tess.'
    'So in answer to your question, they were found in a grove of yew trees.'
    She bit her lip. 'It's the Druid's particular sacred tree, besides the Oak that is. They must be offering the victims as

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