Born of Defiance

Free Born of Defiance by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Book: Born of Defiance by Sherrilyn Kenyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon
no one could afford to live on a fighter’s pay.
    Not even a champion’s.
    Andarions fought for glory and military rank, not riches.
    While humans paid their fighters exorbitant amounts, Andarions didn’t. It was to be expected of their males that they could take a beating and not flinch. And because of their ferocity and size, Andarions were barred from human sports. Which kept Talyn trapped on Andaria, in this hellish existence.
    She cursed the unfairness of it all as she helped him undress and enter the large shower so that they could wash the blood and sweat off.
    Talyn winced as his adrenaline fled and left him in pain. He leaned with one arm against the wall while the water stung the various cuts on his body. In spite of the rancid physical agony, he hardened at the sensation of Felicia’s hands sliding over his bare flesh as she soaped his skin for him. Her cheeks were bright pink, but she didn’t say a word while she gently and carefully bathed him. In spite of the beating, his senses spun with bliss at being touched for the first time by a female’s gentle hand.
    Reaching out, he brushed his fingers along the line of her jaw and watched her pupils dilate in response to his touch. He still couldn’t believe that she’d accept his caresses without flinching or insulting him.
    Her nipples hardened through the fabric of her thin shirt. His breathing ragged, he was dying to know what she looked like naked. Because she was a virgin, her agency photos had been of her in skimpy panties and an exercise bra.
    On the night they’d met, he could have forced her to disrobe so that he could inspect her body, but he’d refused to embarrass her in front of the others.
    Now …
    They were alone and all he wanted was to be inside her.
    She hesitated as she neared the part of him that was most desperate for her touch. He was so hard, he could probably drive nails with his cock.
    Feral with longing, he locked gazes with her and he held his breath, praying she wouldn’t stop or pull back.
    His hand trembling, he covered hers with his and slowly slid it against his hardness. The room spun even more as pleasure racked his entire body and drove the pain away.
    Felicia couldn’t breathe as she stared up at him and touched him for the first time. Dropping the cloth, she ran her fingers over his cock. Then down the length until she cupped him in her hand. He let out a feral growl. Biting his lip, he gently slid his hand beneath the hemline of her shirt until he could lightly touch and squeeze her breast through her bra.
    A smile curved her lips as he slowly and gently rocked himself against her hand. He dipped his head down to kiss her with a tender passion that left her breathless.
    Suddenly, his stupid band alarm sounded.
    Cursing, he tore himself out of her grasp and turned the water off. He reached for a towel. “I have to go.”
    He nodded. “It’s my CO. He always recalls me as soon as he gets the results of a fight. If I don’t head right back, it’ll be worse for me.” His white eyes filled with regret, he cupped her cheek in his hand. “I probably won’t be able to see you this week, after all.”
    Talyn grimaced as that ferocious fury returned to his gaze. “He’s going to be pissed that I cost him his bet. So he’ll take it out of my ass. I’ll call when I can, but if you don’t hear from me for a few days, don’t worry. It’s normal.” His jaw ticcing again, he stepped past her so that he could reach his uniform.
    She helped him dress as Erix joined them.
    He rolled his eyes. “Bastard recalled you already?”
    Talyn nodded. “Can you see Felicia home for me?”
    â€œSure. You need anything else?”
    Talyn shook his head. “I’ll call as soon as I can make training again.”
    Erix clapped him on the back. “Take care, kid.”

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