The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

Free The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop by Terry Towers

Book: The Rock Star And The Girl From The Coffee Shop by Terry Towers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Towers
herself in his sweet kiss and caress.

Chapter 8

    "This is incredible!" Jackie exclaimed as she looked around them.
    Hanna also surveyed the crowd. She and Jackie were seated front row center of a sell out crowd at the Gardens. People of various ages chattered and countless women in the crowd were holding up signs proclaiming their love for Bo.
    "Did you see the article about his new girlfriend?" Hanna heard a woman say from behind her.
    Hanna's ears perked up upon hearing someone mentioning the article.
    "Pfft. Yeah. Can you imagine. She's not even all that pretty. And she's fat!"
    Hanna fought the urge to turn around and scowl at the women behind her. She looked down at herself in a black sundress. Sure she was a little chunky, but she would hardly call herself fat. That being said, she knew she was hardly the size two or zero that most of the models who dated rock stars were.
    "Fuck those bitches Hanna. They're just jealous."
    Hanna turned her attention to Jackie and sighed as she nodded. "I know."
    "You never did tell me about your night with him. I told you everything that happened with Jeremy."
    Hanna could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks when she recalled the things Jackie had told her transpired between her and Jeremy the previous night and well into the day, until Anthony showed up and ruined their little sex games.
    "I told you. Nothing happened really."
    Jackie raised a sceptical brow at her. "Nothing really. Come on, spill it sister."
    Hanna shrugged. "We had a nice night. We had dinner, got approached by the paparazzi, talked, I went to his room and he sang a song he was working on to me and then we fell to sleep together."
    "No sex at all? Really?"
    Hanna shook her head. "We played around a little bit, but we mostly just cuddled. It was sweet. Really. I like that he wants to take his time with us. It's nice."
    Jackie was about to respond, but the lights began to dim signalling the show was about to start. A surge of excitement rushed through Hanna. She was going to see Bo on stage. The crowd around them began to chant, demanding Bo and the band appear.
    After several minutes, music began to play and suddenly spotlights lit the stage, showcasing Jeremy, Anthony and the two other members of the band that Hanna still couldn't remember the names of. Screams sounded throughout the crowd, so loud that they were almost deafening.
    Hanna winced. She hated crowds and she really hated people screaming and whistling a mere foot or so from her. She turned and glared at the woman who'd just screamed that she wanted to have Bo's baby.
    Suddenly the music got louder and the tempo picked up. The crowd began to go crazy. She spun around to see Bo walking onto stage. If possible he was sexier now, on stage, than he'd been the previous night. Maybe it was the thousands of women screaming for him, or maybe it was how cocky and confident he was when as he walked up to the microphone. He was the king of the night, and the people surrounding her were his followers.
    He immediately began to belt out his current number one song. His voice filled the stadium, and his voice in combination with the beat of the band, made her pussy clench and her panties dampen. His eyes immediately met hers and he gave her a wide grin and a slight nod, before turning his attention to the crowd to the left of her.
    "Oh-my-GOD! He smiled at me!" Hanna heard a girl behind her scream. The woman's mouth was so close to her ear that she cringed from the noise.
    He began to work the crowd, giving high five's, making eye contact and nodding towards people in the audience. His actions made the audience go even wilder than they already were, all the women fighting and screaming for just a simple look in their direction. Hanna felt a sense of pride well up within her. She'd spent the night curled up in the arms of a man who thousands of women were begging for a simple glance in the direction of.
    Beside her, Jackie was joining in the excitement of the crowd,

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