Wings of Nestor
he asked.
    “Yes. Only one vision.” Kiora shrugged. “Over and over again.”
    “Was it about Jasmine?”
    “About a talisman Belen made for Jasmine. It sounded like Jasmine was planning to kill Nestor with it, but I have no idea how it works.”
    “That would have to be a powerful talisman, to kill a Creator.”
    “I know.” Kiora tucked the scale back beneath her shirt. “My dreams never give me enough information. Belen made Jasmine something, Nestor is worried about it, Belen is going to make something to counteract it, but…I don’t know details.”
    Emane swore under his breath.
    She laughed. “Were you hoping I had a dream that told me everything so I wouldn’t go visit the dragons?”
    “Yes.” Emane dropped his head. His blond hair had grown longer and was starting to hang in his face. “I’m worried.”
    “I know.” Kiora’s fingers itched to brush his hair out of his eyes. “I am too.”
    “Are you?” Emane asked, looking at her sideways. “Lately you have been so sure of everything. You’re almost like a different person.”
    “I’m not always sure. I’m just sure there aren’t any other options.” Kiora looked out at the waters. “I am a different person.”
    He was quiet for a while, looking out with her. “I know.”
    “You’re different too.”
    “Not like you.”
    Kiora took a deep breath, tucking her hair behind her ears. “I’m sorry.”
    He put his hand on hers. “Don’t be sorry. It’s not bad—it’s just different.”
    “That is not what I am sorry for,” she whispered.
    “I know that too.” He gave her hand a squeeze before letting go. “Alcander sent Drustan out fishing a while ago. Are you ready for dinner?”
    She smiled weakly. “Dinnertime already?”
    “We slept through breakfast, and you slept through lunch.”
    “Dinner sounds good.”

    Natural Abilities
    DESPITE HAVING SLEPT THE day away, Kiora was ready for bed shortly after dinner. The next morning she was jolted awake by Alcander throwing open the doors to the balcony, sending in a rush of brisk sea air and the sound of breaking water.
    “Time to wake up,” he announced. “Your Pegasus will be here tomorrow. That only leaves us one day to train.”
    Kiora flopped back onto her pillow. “I was hoping you could grant me one more day to relax before I flew out to certain death.” She peeked over at him.
    “That is not funny.”
    “A little, yes.” She smirked.
    Alcander pointed to a stack of clothing at the end of the bed. “I found some practice gear for us.”
    “How very convenient.”
    “Meet me outside.”
    She pushed up on her elbows. “Do I get to eat or bathe first?”
    “The rest of us already had breakfast. You should have been up an hour ago.”
    “If you were planning on rudely awakening me, perhaps next time you could do it before breakfast.” Alcander’s face remained still, but she could see the smile lighten behind his eyes. A second later, a tray sat on the edge of the bed.
    “Thank you.” She wrinkled her nose. “Fish for breakfast?”
    “I don’t want to risk summoning food and that is what we have, Your Highness,” he said with a tight bow.
    “I am the only one without royal blood, Alcander.”
    ‘Maybe, but you’re acting like a princess.”
    “Because I don’t want fish for breakfast?”
    He walked to the door. “Because you don’t want to train, you want to sleep. You want to eat, bathe…the list just goes on and on! Be downstairs in twenty minutes,” he added, closing the door behind him.
    Kiora stared at the door. She couldn’t be sure, but she would almost bet he was joking. She sometimes forgot Alcander knew how to do that. Smiling, Kiora climbed out of bed. She forced down the fish and then put on her practice gear. If she thought the last set of gear was tight, this pair was surely a size too small. It took some jumping and twisting to maneuver herself into it.
    Heading down the hall, she looked over the rail. Alcander

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