Fire and Ice

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Book: Fire and Ice by J. E. Christer Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. E. Christer
was a bustling town and never more so than when the new King came to visit the people.  There was a carnival atmosphere and people lined the streets buying and selling all manner of goods. When Ulfric and Juliana rode into the town just after noon they were jostled by the crowds but not with menace, as Juliana might have expected, she noted most of the people seemed to have accepted their new ruler and appeared happy to have some stability once more.
    “We need to find lodgings, Ulfric,” she said, hoping that all the best houses were not taken by now. 
    “Don’t fear, my lady, we will have the best house we can find.”
    Juliana smiled, “I wish I could share your confidence, sire, but there are so many people here for the King’s visit.  I’ve never seen so many merchants doing such a brisk trade.  You must invite the King to Bertone, the traders in our town would love you for such business you would bring them.”
    Just then a pie-seller reached up and waved a tasty pie in front of her, “My lady, come and try my pies, they are the finest in Lincoln,” he said.
    Juliana’s stomach rumbled and she looked at Ulfric.  “I am hungry, sire.”
    Ulfric grunted, “ We will take three,” and gave the man a small coin for each one which he pocketed swiftly and passed up three of the meat pies he was carrying.
    Juliana nibbled daintily on hers as she rode but Ulfric took three large bites and his was gone.  “That was a good pie, Juliana.  You’d better eat quicker or I might steal some of yours,” he grinned.   He turned around and Thorvald had also finished eating his so he would get no help there.
    Juliana smiled knowing he was joking and wondered at herself being so comfortable in this man’s company.  She tried so hard to resist him but she always gave in and she could not deny the pleasure she felt during their lovemaking.  She wondered what the King would think of her being Ulfric’s whore, because that’s all she was, she knew.  She cried after each passionate encounter because she wanted his commitment and love but he always fobbed her off, leaving her feeling so alone and desperate.  Why couldn’t he see this?  Were all men so insensitive to a woman’s need to be married?  The thought made her hunger disappear and she handed what remained of her pie to Ulfric who took and devoured it in one bite, laughing at her astonishment.
    They rode away from the bustle of the town centre and stopped in front of a large, two-storey building which looked clean from the outside.  Ulfric dismounted but told Juliana to stay where she was while he haggled with the owner of the house for a room for them.  He knocked on th e door and was met by a servant.  Ulfric asked politely to speak to the owner but was informed that he was not at present in residence and was only expected back in a couple of weeks. 
    “Good,” Ulfric said.  “You will ready a room for me and my lady and I will leave coin enough to cover our stay.  We are here on the King’s business so I will brook no argument.”
    The servant looked wide-eyed at Ulfric’s stature and felt that this man would take what he wanted whether he put up an argument or not.  “Come in, sire.  Bring your lady inside and we’ll prepare food for you.  I’m sure my master will not mind, especially if you are willing to pay for your lodgings.”
    Ulfric lifted two large silver coins between his thumb and second fingers and rubbed them together, “Y ou will get these when we leave, if your service has been good.”
    The servant fixed his eyes greedily on the shining silver and bowed.
    Thorvald helped bring in the trunks and boxes which Juliana had packed for the occasion and the few men they had brought with them took the horses into the stables at the back to make sure they were fed and watered before they entered the kitchen to eat.
    The room which Juliana would share with Ulfric was furnished with a large bed and tables were set to each side which

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