Fire and Ice

Free Fire and Ice by J. E. Christer

Book: Fire and Ice by J. E. Christer Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. E. Christer
in this Hall.”
    “ He started it,” he said petulantly, still standing with his feet apart waiting for Thorvald’s attack.
    “No!  You started it, de Gant,” Ulfric shouted. “You will not treat servants as if they are there for your amusement or otherwise.  In fact, you will not use my servants again until you’ve learned some manners, but I doubt if that’s possible after all these years.  Take your men and start for Lincoln.  The King and his entourage will be there by now and I will join you.  It will take a couple of days for me as Juliana will be with me.  Get your things and be off with you!”
    De Gant started to complain that he had yet to eat and drink after their exercises that day but Ulfric turned his back and i gnored him, leaving de Gant to slam his chamber door while he packed his clothes in a wooden box ready for the journey.
    Sir Richard threw his clothes into the trunk he would take with him to Lincoln.  He would load it onto a cart and one of his men could travel with the supplies they would need for the journey.  His growling stomach interrupted his thoughts and he imagined Ulfric and that mountain of a Norseman eating and drinking and no doubt laughing at him behind his back.  He was determined to eat something before he went even if it did mean defying Ulfric.  Who was he anyway, just a jumped up peasant like all the rest.  Ulfric just happened to be at the right place at the right time, and de Gant cursed his father for taking the boy into their household and treating him like one of the family.  Well, he would get his revenge if it took him the rest of his life, in fact he would relish the thought and Juliana would be at the centre of his plan.  How dare she reject him , a Norman noble with lands far more extensive than Ulfric’s.  She too would pay for that rejection.
                  He lifted the trunk and went back into the Hall where the scene was just as he had imagined; all sitting down to dine and drink.  He took the trunk outside and warned his men to be ready to move as soon as he came back outside.  He strode back into the Hall and saw the young lad who had made such a display of hurting his ankle.
    “You, boy!  Fetch me food and ale.  I have a long journey and the sooner I start the better.  Don’t dawdle or you’ll get more than a sprained ankle.”
    Thorvald’s eyes went to Ulfric’s who lifted a finger to keep him quiet.  Sam limped over to de Gant and placed food and ale on a small table by the fire then scuttled away before he felt the Norman’s wrath again.  De Gant threw himself into a chair by the fire and assuaged his hunger and thirst like a man who had no idea where the next meal was coming from, muttering to himself all the while which made the other two men smile.   De Gant watched them out of the corner of his eye and jumped up to face them, his face puce with anger, “Don’t smirk at me, heathen, or you Ulfric.  One day I’ll make you pay for your stupid grins and disrespect of your betters, just see if I don’t.”
    He downed his ale and threw the horn into the fire grate shattering it into splinters and stormed out of the door, slamming it behind him.
    “I think our Norman friend is upset with us, Ulfric,” Thorvald commented drily.
    Juliana had watched the display with some trepidation and her stomach had tightened at de Gant’s threat.  Ulfric was as relaxed as usual but said nothing, knowing that de Gant was a coward and a bully, always threatening but never carrying out those threats.  He rose from the table and held out his hand for Juliana, “Come , my lady.  We need to get some sleep as tomorrow will be a long day.”
    Juliana took his hand and they ascended the stairs together.  He opened the chamber door and led her in, but hesitated, “Get into bed, my love, I have just remembered something I need to tell Thorvald.”

Chapter 9

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