Double In

Free Double In by Tonya Ramagos

Book: Double In by Tonya Ramagos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tonya Ramagos
Reid. He must have read the question in her eyes, the plea and turmoil,
the demands she wanted to scream at Porter. He cupped her cheek and the expression
on his face softened.
    “You gave yourself to us, remember.” Despite his tender
touch, his tone held a hint of amusement as if he were enjoying her torment.
    Oh, she remembered all right, and she had no intentions of
being an Indian giver. What she wanted was to increase the speed. She wanted
Porter to let his animal out of its cage. She wanted Reid to get naked so she
could feel his hard body skin to skin. She wanted to take, to explore their
bodies as they were doing hers. Holy God of Hormones, she couldn’t handle much
more of this.
    “We finally got you where we want you.” Porter swiped the
tip of his tongue down the crease between her pussy and inner thigh and quickly
withdrew. “No way are we bringing an end to it any time soon.”
    Did the man intend to send her on a direct trip to the
nuthouse before he gifted her with the pleasure her body screamed for? Oh,
paybacks were going to be so very sweet when she got her hands on him.
    Her mouth watered. She’d never experienced such a strong
desire to suck a cock in her life. Reid’s stiff cock pressed into her back, a
throbbing presence that only drove her torment higher. Though ways to turn the
table on Porter were already forming in her head, she would equally enjoy
sucking Reid’s cock down her throat. She wanted Porter’s mouth on her pussy and
her lips around Reid’s cock now. Right freaking now!
    Reid’s hand moved lightly to the base of her throat as his
other hand slipped beneath her breast and lifted it. He raked his thumb over
her pebbled nipple and she let her head fall back on his chest. Her mind
focused on the touch, on Porter’s mouth that started to deliver one maddening
lick after another to the outer edges of her pussy.
    “Please.” She couldn’t hold it back any longer. She would
beg them if she had to. Forget dignity. It was way overrated anyway.
    Reid smothered a smile against Marsha’s shoulder, knowing
that softly whimpered plea was exactly what Porter had been waiting to hear.
She had given them the green light, told them she wanted them too. But Porter had
still been holding back, taking it slow. He wouldn’t hold back anymore.
    He knew when Porter finally landed a kiss where Marsha
wanted it most. She went completely limp in his arms. Her head still turned
toward his, he watched as she closed her eyes and her lips formed a small but
sexy as hell oh of pleasure.
    He swallowed, nuzzled his chin at the bend of her neck, and
gazed down the front of her body. The neon glow from the Jack Daniels light
bathed her flesh in white and yellow, giving her an even more angelic look. The
woman’s body was a piece of work naked, perfect curves, delicious swells, and
wonderful angles to tempt and tease a man to the point of sheer frustration. He
should know. He was nearly there himself, wanting to feel every part of her, to
run his tongue along every sun-kissed inch of her flesh.
    His cock ached, his shaft so hard it was a wonder he didn’t
impale her through her back. And when she started to gyrate against him in
obvious time with Porter’s thrusts of his tongue between her pussy lips, he
barely swallowed the growl that rumbled in his throat.
    One of her hands was now locked around his nape, her nails
digging into his flesh. He welcomed the slight bite of pain, wanted it to
prevent his mind from centering on his own desires, on his own driving need to
be inside her shapely body. He focused on that sting even as he added to her
pleasure and his torment by rolling her beaded nipple between his thumb and
    She moaned, her head lolling from side to side on his chest,
and her free hand headed straight for Porter’s head. That wouldn’t do. Porter
might have let her get away with taking over his kiss earlier, with whipping
him around the way she’d done, but Reid knew his

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