The Housewife Assassin's Garden of Deadly Delights

Free The Housewife Assassin's Garden of Deadly Delights by Josie Brown

Book: The Housewife Assassin's Garden of Deadly Delights by Josie Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josie Brown
    “Tammy claims that—”
    “Tammy? How sweet that the two of you are already on a first name basis.”
    “I’d be more flattered if you were truly jealous.”
    “And I’d be truly jealous if I thought she was capable of saying anything that didn’t come out of the company handbook. So, did she?”
    “Oh, I’ll say she did.” Whatever it was puts a grin on his face. “But as far as this case is concerned, she did let go with one interesting fact: Wellborne has been passed over for promotion to company president twice, which gives him a possible motive for cashing in on the killer seed.”
    “I wouldn’t doubt it. Considering his touchy-feely management technique, I’m surprised they haven’t fired his sorry ass by now.”
    “When Tammy told me about her own tickle-and-slap sessions with him, I asked the same question. She claims that he’s too valuable of a scientist. Besides, he knows where all the bodies are buried.”
    “He’s a letch, no doubt about it. He actually admitted that his last two assistants didn’t last even a year in the position. I may have stumbled onto the paper trail on the killer seeds, but I’m not sure. His last assistant left the files a mess. She may have done it on purpose.”
    “What was her name?”
    “Jilly McIntosh. Maybe, by now, Arnie has hacked her personnel file and passed it forward to Emma to look for any red flags—you know, see if her placement in the department was legitimate, including her next place of employment—”
    I pause, because it sounds as if a herd of elephants are coming down the stairs, but it’s only Mary with her new entourage.  
    Evan is heading in the opposite direction—from the kitchen, where he’s been focusing on his homework, to his room, which is the bonus room over the garage. When Sara passes him, she grazes against him, on purpose. He ignores her not-so-subtle attempt to get his attention. She tosses her head angrily as she flounces into the kitchen with the other girls.
    Jack’s head swivels back in my direction. When his brow goes up, so do my hands, as if they could wield off his amused glance. “Mary begged me to give them a lift. She claimed they want to help her with her French homework.”
    “Are you sure they didn’t mean Evan?”
    “From all the seductive naughty talk aimed his way, no doubt about it.”
    He shakes his head. “They’re using her.”
    “I know it, and you know it. Even Evan knows it. But Mary hasn’t figured that out yet.”
    “You can’t be the one to burst her bubble,” he warns me.
    “I have to. If those little witches pop it first, it’ll hurt a hell of a lot more.”
    “Sadly, you’re right, on both counts.” He kisses my forehead. “Go for it, but don’t be surprised if she doesn’t listen to you. Mary has to find her own path, even if the road is bumpy, or takes her off course.”
    Whatever else he has to say is cut off by the buzz of my cell phone. Arnie is calling. “The shipment happens tonight, two in the morning,” he says urgently.
    “Do we know where?”
    “No. The time was set by phone, and it was cryptic. All Wellborne said was, ‘Yes, meet you there.’ He must have been talking to the driver who’ll be taking it where it needs to go.”
    “Were you able to put a trace on the driver’s phone?”
    “Unfortunately, it was a burner, so no. It was out on Highway 5, so I presume he was completing a run.”
    “Grab Abu and Dominic, and meet us at the gates to the SeedPlenish compound at midnight. We may need more manpower.”  
    “Will do. Right before we arrive, I’ll loop the webcams, so that Security never even knows we’re there.”
    I hang up and turn to Jack. “Speaking of detours, the mission team has to take one tonight, around midnight. Wellborne is our man, and he’s moving the seeds tonight.”  
    “Why don’t you call Aunt Phyllis and tell her the guest room is hers? That way, the kids are covered for the evening, and for drop-off, if

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