Payton's Woman

Free Payton's Woman by Marilyn Yarbrough

Book: Payton's Woman by Marilyn Yarbrough Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Yarbrough
When all else
fails, be rude.”
    “I think this is the
first time I’ve seen you laugh.” His gaze lingered on her face. “It makes you
appear even more enchanting.”
    The dance ended, but he
didn’t release her. Sylvia must have run across the dance floor, for she appeared
beside them almost immediately.
    “Julia darling, you
really shouldn’t encourage a man to hold you like that after the music stops. It
borders on poor manners.”
    She glanced at Payton. “Mr.
Tyler, since you are already acquainted with our Julia, you must know she is an
accomplished tease, but she never follows through. I can only imagine what a
bore that must be for a man with your obvious tastes.”
    “Not at all, Mrs. Morton.”
    “Morgan,” she corrected.
    “I don’t mind the
teasing.” He gave Sylvia only a cursory glance before his gaze returned to Julia.
“I find the chase can sometimes be as exciting as the capture.”
    “And just how is it that
you came to know Miss Anderson?”
    Julia nibbled on her
lower lip while waiting for his response. He gave her a reassuring wink before turning
to Sylvia.
    “I have a confession to
make. I’ve never met Miss Anderson before tonight. I only used that ruse to
gain an introduction and a dance.”
    “Mr. Tyler.” She tapped
him playfully with her closed fan. “You are a scoundrel. I would be worried
about Julia if I didn’t know her so well. But I fear you will tire of the chase
long before she allows herself to be captured.”
    “I don’t tire easily,”
he said. “In fact I have a great deal of stamina.”
    A shiver seemed to
overtake the older woman. She let out an audible moan.
    “Are you all right, Mrs.
Munson? Shall I get you a glass of champagne?”
    “Yes, please. And it is
Morgan,” she corrected again.
    “Certainly.” He retrieved
a glass from a passing waiter.
    “Thank you, Mr. Tyler.” As
Sylvia took the champagne glass, her fingers lingered over his. “I must return
the favor sometime.”
    “No need. Now if you’ll
excuse us, I must get back to the chase. I owe Miss Anderson another dance.”

    Chapter Seven
    Payton swept Julia up
onto a waltz. He moved her across the dance floor until they neared a doorway.
    “Shall we go outside for
some fresh air?” he asked even though he’d already led her through the double
doors. “We can talk better out here.”
    “Thank you, Mr. Tyler,”
she said when they reached a secluded area on the bricked terrace. “Or would
you prefer I call you captain? I seem to recall you had that title.”
    “I’d prefer Payton. And
may I call you Julia?”
    She nodded. “Thank you,
Payton, for making up that story to tell Sylvia.”
    “It was my pleasure. I
think I would’ve lied to her even if you hadn’t asked me. There’s something
about women like her that really sets my teeth on edge.”
    His remark surprised her.
“Most men find her very attractive.”
    “She’s about as
attractive as a cat in heat. I’ve seen sharks go into a feeding frenzy at the
scent of blooded meat. In comparison to her, the sharks seem almost subtle.”
    He so accurately described
Sylvia that she couldn’t suppress her laughter.
    His lips curved into a
smile as his irritation seemed to fade. “How did you come to be friends with a
woman like her?”
    “She isn’t actually my
friend. She’s a friend of my employer.”
    “You work?” His gaze
scanned over the expensive silk gown she wore. “Exactly what kind of work do
you do?”
    “I’m a secretary and
companion to an elderly woman.”
    “She must pay you very
well in order for you to buy all this finery.” He rested his hand on her bare
shoulder. His finger jiggled the pearl dangling from her earlobe.
    The touch of his hand
sent a flash of heat through her body. His nearness caused a fluttering in the
pit of her belly. “The pearls belonged to my mother,” she managed to say
despite her growing desire.
    “And the gown?” He
turned his hand and caressed

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