Everville: The City of Worms

Free Everville: The City of Worms by Roy Huff

Book: Everville: The City of Worms by Roy Huff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roy Huff
halfway back to the university and walking through the center of the art district in downtown Easton Falls. By that time it was early evening and darkness had just settled in. Owen and Zee were in the most important part of their conversion, as Zee had just mentioned the name Jacob.
    At the moment Zee uttered that word, Anika and Drusilla saw a pair of eyes lurking in the shadows of one of the more elaborate art galleries downtown. They turned to get a closer look, but the eyes had vanished.
    “I think we’re being watched,” Drusilla murmured.
    “I think you’re right,” Anika replied.
    They quickened their pace as they continued walking back towards campus. After another ten minutes had passed, they decided to stop in the campus café, which had just reopened that morning.
    Anika and Owen bought their usual drinks, and Zee bought a regular cup of coffee, black. They sat down and took a few moments to sip their coffee, then Owen took notice of the Egyptian scarab carved into the wall.
    “Hey guys, you see that?”
    “See what?” Zee asked.
    “That beetle,” Owen replied.
    “You mean the scarab,” Drusilla said.
    “Yeah, that thing. Well, The Keeper said that the object we’re looking for looks something like a beetle.”
    “You know something, Owen, now that I think about it, there may be another beetle I’ve seen. The symbol on the map of The Other In Between is remarkably similar to a beetle. More than that, the symbol of The Other In Between is the symbol that’s carved into Jacob’s bo staff.
    “When the images were flashing in my mind, I got the sense that Jacob was aware of what was going on and that he was somehow working with Them. If the object we’re looking for is a beetle, I think we should start by looking at Jacob’s house, and I know the perfect time we should go.”
    “When is that, Zee?” Owen questioned.
    “At my father’s funeral. I know Jacob is going to be there. I’ve already spoken to him. Before the funeral is over, maybe halfway through, you and Drusilla could sneak into Jacob’s house and search his room. His adoptive parents will be there and you can tell the butler that Jacob asked you to wait there for him. Then, Drusilla can distract the butler, who I know has a weakness for beautiful young women. While Drusilla is talking with the butler, Owen can search Jacob’s room.”
    “Sounds like as good a plan as any,” Anika remarked.
    “You don’t think it will look too obvious if we leave halfway through the service?” Owen said.
    “Just stay in the back behind everyone else. No one will be paying that much attention,” Zee replied.
    “I guess it’s settled then. Now, it’s time for me to get back to my dorm. I have a new roommate who is supposed to arrive today, so I’d better go get acquainted before I crash for the night.”
    “I’ll walk with you, Owen,” Anika said.
    “Okay, guys. I’ll see you at the funeral Sunday morning. Good luck,” Zee said as Owen and Anika left the café.
    “Do you think it’s such a good idea, Owen? What if you get caught?”
    “Well, I guess it’s a risk I’ll have to take, but I think we don’t have much of a choice. If Jacob’s working with Them, and if he has the object, it’s going to be the only time we know that he won’t be there. Not to mention the fact that we’re running out of time, and so is Dante.”
    “Yeah. You know, you’re right. Screw it. Let’s find that beetle and bring Dante home. I hope your roommate’s nice, by the way. I’ve heard tons of horror stories about roommates.”
    “Thanks, but I’m sure he’ll be fine. I’ll catch up with you Sunday morning before the funeral.”
    “Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”
    Owen continued walking to his dorm and opened his door. A few extra boxes were neatly stacked on the floor, ready to be unpacked, and then he saw his new roommate standing there, putting some clothes in one of the three drawers on his side of the dresser. He was tall and

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