Mark of Four

Free Mark of Four by Tamara Shoemaker

Book: Mark of Four by Tamara Shoemaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Shoemaker
    “That’s it? Well, that’s not many, is it? You’ll have to work extra hard to make up for your lack of numbers. Water-Wielders, let me see your hands.”
    Alayne raised her hand, as did the boy next to her. About twenty-five others in the class raised their hands, too.
    The professor nodded. “Good. I think we should have enough water pitchers. Be creative, everyone. You don’t have to do what I did. I’d like to see your creativity at work.” Then as an afterthought, she added, “Within reason, of course.”
    She looked around the room. “Air-Masters?” Jayme and sixteen other students, including Daymon and Cornelia, raised their hands. “You all will attempt to move the bubbles into whatever shapes you desire. And Fire-Breathers?”
    Marysa’s hand went up along with nine others.
    “Another small group. You all have the dry twigs in the corner. Your assignment is to light your particular bundle of twigs and then create whatever you can out of your resulting flames. If you can’t manage to create something from the flames, that’s okay. If you light the twigs, you will receive passing marks.” She clapped her hands together. “Okay, everyone. Go take one item from your assigned corner and bring it back to your spot. Place it approximately five feet in front of you on the floor. Then we’ll see how this goes.”
    Again, mass confusion reigned, but eventually the students returned to their places, items on the floor in front of them.
    Alayne rested her pitcher on the floor and returned to the wall. The boy next to her had already settled his in place. He studied it, the tip of his tongue wedged between his lips as he concentrated. When he caught her looking at him, he flushed clear up to the blonde roots of his hair. A lightning grin lit his freckled face. “Sorry. I was trying to see if I could make water move by looking at it.” He laughed. “I was really impressed with your whirlpool this morning.”
    “Thanks.” Alayne shrugged uncomfortably. “It wasn’t much.”
    “This sounds kind of fun, though. I bet you’ll be good at it. You seem like you’ve got a real talent when it comes to water.”
    “It does sound like fun. But I don’t even know where to start. It’s not like touching the water.”
    “True.” He held out his hand. He was the same height as Alayne, and when he smiled, his whole face joined in. “By the way, I’m Kyle Pence.”
    “Worth,” Kyle finished as he shook her hand. “I know. Good to meet you.”
    Professor Grace hadn't called the class back to order yet, so Alayne asked, “Where are you from, Kyle?”
    A shadow crossed Kyle's face as he answered, surprising Alayne. “The Capital.” His voice lost some of its eagerness.
    “Do you not like it there?” Alayne asked. Another thought occurred to her. “Were you anywhere close to the square when Simeon Malachi Shadow-Casted the High Court?”
    Kyle shifted uncomfortably. “I wasn't far away, but I wasn't right in the square that day. It—it was hard to get anywhere close; people were running, panicked. A little girl was nearly trampled. I got her safely out of the crowd, but it was the worst situation I've ever seen.” He glanced at his bowl of water. “I still have nightmares about it.”
    “Wow,” breathed Alayne, “it sounds terrifying. We only watched it on our MIU, but it was still large as life and nearly kept my parents from allowing me to come to Clayborne.”
    Kyle was silent for a moment as he lowered his gaze. “My parents didn't care one way or the other when I left for school.”
    “Seriously?” Alayne thought of her mother's fears and her father's quiet protection. Sometimes it was overbearing, but she'd rather have that than parents who didn't care at all. “Still, they had to be proud of you for saving that little girl from trampling. You were a hero that day.”
    Alayne noticed the heavy flush rise up his neck, the sudden blaze of emotion in his blue eyes, and

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