REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1)

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Book: REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1) by Marissa Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Williams
He kissed my neck and said, "Good morning."  Totally embarrassed by my appearance, I turned red.
    "Good morning to you too.  I am sorry, but I have to get the phone, it could be the hospital."  He let me go, and I was sorry to leave the safety of his arms the moment I stepped away… even more sorry when I realized it was Julian!
    "Hello Ellie, I just heard about your mom, is she okay?"
    "She is in a coma, the doctors tell me that it's a matter of days."  My voice choked and dropped to almost a whisper at the sudden realization.  Kayden came over and held me from behind while I continued the conversation.
    "The kids and I will be there tonight, we want to see Ana before…before it's too late.  What hotel are you staying at?"
    "Julian, you don't have to do this."
    "I want to; Ana is like family, she is your mother and the grandmother to our children.  What's the name of the hotel, Ellie?" he asked in an authoritative way.
    "I'm at the Mandarin Oriental.  I'll see you tonight." 
    As I ended the call I felt Kayden tighten his grip around me, his body becoming rigid.
    "I am so sorry Kayden, but this is something I have to share with my family.  I can't hide from them."
    "We are not talking about them, we are talking about Julian.  The man is still in love with you." His exasperation was evident by the tone of his voice.
    "He is just worried about the kids, he knew my mother for many years, cared about her.  Besides, the important thing is that I am not in love with him."
    "Prove it," he said.
    "How?"  I flinched at the tone of his voice.  "Besides, I don’t have to prove anything, my word should be enough."
    "Then introduce me to your family tonight as more than just a neighbor," he said as he turned me around and looked me in the eyes.
    My mouth went dry; open, closed, then open again.  I didn’t know what to say.
    "Are you embarrassed of me?"
    "NO! I just don't know where we are going with this relationship. I don't even know what to call it, is it a friendship or what?"
    Kayden replied, with a look of hurt in his eyes, "This thing between us is definitely a relationship, we are lovers for Christ's sake; I hope to God you don’t see me as a friend because a friend is absolutely not what I am looking for.  Do you think I do the things I do with you to a friend?  If all you want is friendship, this is the time to tell me and I'll disappear from your life."
    I shook my head from side to side indicating no.  Kayden took me into his arms, lifted me, and as he walked to the bedroom of the suite whispered, "Well then, let's take this relationship to the next level, I don’t want you to have any doubts about my intentions." 
    We both fell on the bed and grabbed for each other with unrestrained desire.  He kissed me with a sense of urgency and greed that took my breath away.  And I responded, oh boy did I respond, to every stroke of his tongue, to every suck and every bite with equal hunger.  I couldn't stop kissing him, it was like I had been holding this yearning deep inside me and now it had an outlet in the form of this most masculine and virile man. 
    Kayden abandoned my lips and moved to my breasts.  He kissed and sucked them with the same passion he had rendered to my mouth.  My hands tried to touch him, to grab him, but he was fully clothed.
    "Not fair, here I am with just a robe and you're fully dressed," I gasped.
    "Then do something about it."  My hands moved quickly to remove his clothes; first his shirt, then his pants, followed by his underwear.  His body was toned and lean and oh so sexy.  I used my tongue to kiss his stomach and my hands to caress his back.  Kayden grabbed both of my hands over my head with one of his.  He continued to ravage my breasts until I could not take it any more; I screamed his name and begged him to stop.
    "Kayden please, no more."
    "We are just getting started, baby." He moved to my stomach and continued his kissing and sucking torture.  When his mouth

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