REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1)

Free REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1) by Marissa Williams

Book: REBORN (Metamorphosis Book 1) by Marissa Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Williams
breast in a desperate sucking that I knew I was going to feel for days.  At that moment he rammed inside me with no preambles.  His movements were desperate and lacked the gentleness of the previous few days.  Yet despite his abrasiveness, he still looked after my needs.
    "I'm sorry baby, I won't be able to hold it much longer. I need you with me, I need you to come for me."  His hand moved to my sex and began stimulating it with the pad of his finger, my body responding to his touch as I came undone, my muscles clenching inside of me until I lost control.
    "Good girl, now it's my turn."  His pace became faster than before until his body began to stiffen and he finally collapsed on me totally spent.

    Chapter Seven
    I sat on the plane stunned but restless… my mother was in what the doctor's called a comatose state.  I tried to close my eyes and relax.  Memories of a lonely five-year-old flooded my mind.  She was in the middle of a living room totally alone.  Where was my mommy?  I remembered a fight, a big fight; then my father left, now my mother was gone too.
    "Mommy, Mommy," the little girl called out, but no one came. 
    "Mommy, I'm scared."  But no one came.
    I shook my head. "Enough of that."  I can't afford to go on a head-trip at this time, I told myself.  I pressed the call button for the flight attendant and ordered a bloody Mary.  
    It was too early for alcohol, but if I was going to survive the next few hours I was going to need some help.  On the other hand, I needed my head clear.  "Okay, okay, one drink for god's sake; stop super-analyzing everything."  My analytical mind could not stop itself; I dissected everything to meaningless pieces in an effort to make the best decision.  It was a habit from childhood, that did not always work, but it helped me to cope with the world, a world that was increasingly more complicated.
    The drink helped me to doze off but not to relax.  As I landed in Miami International I decided that a taxi to the hospital would be better than driving, I was in no condition to maneuver the hectic Miami expressway system.  Besides, for all intents and purposes, my body was still recovering from a severe sinus infection.
    "To Jackson Memorial," I told the cab driver.  My mother was in the ICU of this state-of-the-art trauma center.  If she was to have a chance this was the best place for her care.
    I decided that this was perhaps the only opportunity I would have to call Kayden.  I dialed his number; he answered immediately.
    "Ellie, are you okay?  What happened to your mother?  Your text didn't give much information!"
    "I'm in a taxi on the way to the hospital now, not much I can tell you yet except that I don’t know when I'll be back in Chicago."
    "Where are you staying, what hotel?"
    "I'm at the Mandarin Oriental, but won't check into my room until later tonight.  My mother was admitted to Jackson Memorial."
    "I'll call Carmelo to see if he has any friends there who can help, then I'll take the next flight," Kayden said without hesitation, and the phone hung up. 
    "I don’t have time to deal with anyone now," I told myself and then proceeded to call the kids and Julian.
    When I entered my mother's room my heart broke into a million pieces.  My mother, the woman who had given me life, the source of so much contradiction and love, lay in a bed unrecognizable.  Her face and body were swollen, her eyes shut.  She was plugged to machines and stuffed with tubes.  My heart ached for her; tears began to fall down my cheeks.   I didn’t know if I was crying for her or for myself, but the pain was unbearable!
                   "Mommy, it's me, Ellie.  I love you, Mommy."  My heart felt heavy, it was so painful to see her like this!  She was always so full of life, and here she lay unresponsive; only the machines told me she

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