Heart Raider (Heartthrob Series, Book 1)

Free Heart Raider (Heartthrob Series, Book 1) by Sophia Knightly

Book: Heart Raider (Heartthrob Series, Book 1) by Sophia Knightly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Knightly
sounded low and gravelly…and hot .
    She knew he was referring to their kisses last night. Disappointment over his restraint made her heart sink.
    She shook her head ruefully. “You have more willpower than I do. I liked last night.” She touched the side of his face and hoped with all her heart he’d kiss her again. But when his mouth tightened, she removed her hand. “I wish Daisy hadn’t shown up and ruined everything.”
    “She’s going home today,” he stated evenly.
    “Good. Glad to hear it, Señor Nicky,” Veronique said in a playful tone.
    Nick pulled his sunglasses off and met her gaze with blistering blue fire. “I’m not in the mood for jokes.”
    Her face heated up instantly. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I didn’t mean to annoy you.” The problem with Nick’s no-nonsense personality was that it often tempted her to tease him. This was not a good time for that. Definitely not.
    “I’m curious about Daisy. How old is she?”
    “Really? She looks younger.” Veronique searched his face for a reaction, but he remained impassive. “How long has she been working for you?”
    “Long enough to know she’d better quit calling me Señor Nicky if she wants to keep her job,” he said in a tone so disgusted, Veronique had to swallow a giggle rising inside her. She managed to squelch it, but the corners of her mouth turned upward.
    “She’s sneaky about getting her way. If she wasn’t such a good cook and excellent housekeeper, I’d let her go,” he said.
    “I’m sure you could find someone just as good,” Veronique said casually.
    “She needs the money to support her baby. She lives with her dad, who’s my gardener. Felipe’s a decent, hardworking man and he’s got his hands full with her and his grandson. Daisy is too damned impulsive.” He paused and slanted a meaningful look at her.
    She lifted a challenging brow. “You think I’m too impulsive? Is that what you’re—”
    The rest of her words halted when she saw a man heading toward them with a machete. Nick’s back was turned to him, but Veronique saw he was a swarthy man in combat fatigues and dirt-encrusted field boots.

Chapter Eight
    “Nick. Who’s that with the machete?” Veronique said out of the corner of her mouth.
    Nick turned around and surprised her by waving at the approaching man.
    “You know him?”
    “Yeah, he’s the gardener.” Nick strode up to the gardener and clapped him on the shoulder. “Felipe, you’re just the man I wanted to see.”
    Felipe nodded. “I’m here to help, but first I have to find Daisy. Is she here?”
    Nick frowned. “Yeah, she’s here. Didn’t you know?”
    “No. I told her not to go to your house. She must have walked all the way over.” He raised his hands in a gesture of despair. “Or hitched a ride.”
    “I had no idea your daughter was here until she came running out of the guesthouse last night when a tree hit the window.”
    Felipe’s ire dissolved into fatherly concern. “Was she hurt?”
    “No, she’s fine. Sorry, Felipe. Daisy told me you knew she was here.”
    Felipe’s face and neck turned red. “I didn’t. Where is she?”
    “In the kitchen. Come on,” Nick said in a resigned tone.
    Felipe set the machete down and muttered in Spanish under his breath.
    Nick motioned toward Veronique. “By the way, this is Veronique Whitcomb. She’s visiting from New York.”
    “Nice to meet you,” Felipe mumbled, clearly agitated and not up to meeting anyone.
    “Same here,” Veronique said brightly. She was more than pleased to meet him. His arrival would take Daisy out of their hair.
    They found Daisy in the kitchen at the gas stove with Baxter at her feet. The tempting aroma of sizzling bacon, fried eggs and freshly brewed coffee made Veronique’s stomach growl.
    Daisy’s back was turned as she slid the eggs onto a white ceramic platter. Wearing skimpy red shorts and a snug white tank top, her round hips jiggled to the beat of the

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