The Denial of Death

Free The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker

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Authors: Ernest Becker
Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil
(New York: Harper and Row, 1964), pp. 116-117.
Erich Fromm,
The Sane Society
(New York: Fawcett Books, 1955), p.34.
Cf. Lord Raglan,
Jocasta’s Crime: An Anthropological Study
(London: Methuen, 1933), Chapter 17.
LAD, p. 186.
Ibid. , p. 189.
Ibid. , pp. 186-187.
E. Straus,
On Obsession, A Clinical and Methodological Study
(New York: Nervous and Mental Disease Monographs, 1948), No. 73.
Ibid. , pp. 41, 44.
Civilization and its Discontents
, 1930 (London: The Hogarth Press, 1969 edition), p. 43.
LAD, p. 118.
Ibid. , p. 120.
Sandor Ferenczi,
Final Contributions to the Problems and Methods of Psycho-analysis
(London: The Hogarth Press, 1955), p. 66.
PS, p. 38.
LAD, p. 124.
Ibid. , p. 123.
Ibid. , p. 128.
Ibid. , p. 127.
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
(New York: Garden City Publishing Co., 1943), p. 324.
Geza Roheim,
Psychoanalysis and Anthropology
(New York: International Universities Press, 1950), pp. 138-139.
Final Contributions
, pp. 65-66.
Rollo May recently revived the Rankian perspective on this; see his excellent discussion of “
Love and Death
” in Love and Will (New York: Norton, 1971).
ME, p. 52.
Ibid. , p. 53.
LAD, pp. 127-128.
    Chapter Four
The Revolt of the Masses
(New York: Norton, 1957), pp. 156-157.
E. Becker,
The Structure of Evil: An Essay on the Unification of the Science of Man
(New York: Braziller, 1968), p. 192.
See his two fine papers, “
The Need to Know and the Fear of Knowing
” Journal of General Psychology , 1963, 68:“-125; and “
Neurosis as a Failure of Personal Growth
,” Humanitas , 1967, 3:153-169.
Maslow, “
Neurosis as a Failure
,” p. 163.
Ibid. , pp. 165-166.
Rudolf Otto,
The Idea of the Holy
, 1923 (New York: Galaxy Books, 1958).
Maslow, “
The Need to Know
,” p. 119.
Ibid. , pp. 118-119.
Cf. Freud,
The Future of an Illusion
, 1927 (New York: Anchor Books Edition, 1964), Chapters 3 and 4.
The Problem of Anxiety
, 1926 (New York: Norton, 1936), pp. 67 ff.
Cf. also the continuation of Heidegger’s views in modern existential psychiatry: Médard Boss,
Meaning and Content of Sexual Perversions: A Daseinanalytic Approach to the Psychopathology of the Phenomenon of Love
(New York: Grune and Stratton, 1949), p. 46.
F. Perls,
Gestalt Therapy Verbatim
(Lafayette, Calif.: Real People Press, 1969), pp. 55-56.
A. Angyal,
Neurosis and Treatment: A Holistic Theory
(New York: Wiley, 1965), p. 260.
Toward a Psychology of Being
, second edition (Princeton: Insight Books, 1968), Chapter 8.
ME, p. 13, my emphasis.
Harold F. Searles, “
Schizophrenia and the Inevitability of Death
,” Psychiatric Quarterly , 1961, 35:633-634.
, C.1672 (London, Faith Press edition, 1963), pp. 109-115, passim .
Marcia Lee Anderson, “
,” quoted in Searles, “
,” p. 639.
LAD, p. 291.
    Chapter Five
, May 12th, 1839.
O. H. Mowrer,
Learning Theory and Personality Dynamics
(New York: Ronald Press, 1950), p. 541.
Cf. especially Rollo May,
The Meaning of Anxiety
(New York: Ronald Press, 1950); Libuse Lukas Miller, In Search of the Self: The Individual in the Thought of Kierkegaard (Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press, 1962).
The Concept of Dread
, 1844 (Princeton: University Press edition, 1957, translated by Walter Lowrie), p. 41.
Ibid. , p. 38.
Ibid. , p. 39.
Ibid. , p. 139.
Ibid., p. 40.
Ibid. , p. 140.
The Sickness Unto Death
, 1849 (Anchor edition, 1954, combined with
Fear and Trembling
, translated by Walter Lowrie), p. 181.
Kierkegaard, Dread, pp. 110 ff.
Ibid. , p. 124.
Ibid. , pp. 112-113.
Ibid. , pp. 114-115.
Ibid. , pp. 115-116.
Cf. Miller, In Search of the Self , pp. 265-276.
, pp. 184-187, passim .
Ibid. , pp. 174-175.
Ibid. , pp. 162 ff.
Cf. E. Becker,
The Revolution in Psychiatry
(New York: Free Press, 1964); and Chapter 10 of this book.
, p.

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