Fox, Morgan - Craving Silence [Cowboys and Werewolves] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free Fox, Morgan - Craving Silence [Cowboys and Werewolves] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Morgan Fox

Book: Fox, Morgan - Craving Silence [Cowboys and Werewolves] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Morgan Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Fox
anything, please tell me.”
    Silence turned and faced him. The expression in her eyes was painfully serious. She moved to stand in front of him, but didn’t touch him. He was glad. As much as he enjoyed her caress, there was something about her that made him lose all traces of sanity.
    “Lance, you were attacked by werewolves. You were left for dead, but you didn’t die, and now you’re one of them.”
    It wasn’t exactly what he had expected her to say. He turned away from her and ran a stiff hand through his hair. He felt different, stronger, more sexually energized than he’d ever felt, but was that evidence enough that he’d been turned into a mythical creature?
    “Look, I appreciate that you’re trying to find humor in my situation, but I’m actually pretty serious about understanding what’s truly going on here. Something’s not right, and judging from your uniform, you’re law enforcement, so I could really use your help.”
    She nodded. “As I’ve told you already, my name is Sheriff Silence Foster. You met my twin sister earlier, Dr. Shadow Foster. We are both werewolves. I’ve lived in Silent Falls my entire life. I was named after this town, and I protect the human population from anything that goes bump in the night. That’s why we brought you here to this clinic rather than having you shipped off to the main hospital thirty miles north of here.” She held up her hand as he began to interject, but he thought better of it. Her look was so cold and threatening. The heat of passion no longer filled her blue eyes. “I know this all sounds insane to someone on the outside, but what I’ve told you is true.”
    He leaned against the table to his side, his fingers squeezing around the metal. He didn’t want to believe her. He’d prefer that he’d inhaled some chemical warfare shit that gave him wicked inhibitions, but were only temporary. What she was telling him seemed not only surreal and impossible, but permanent.
    “Silence, what you’re saying is a bit difficult to comprehend.”
    She nodded stiffly. “I realize that, but if you haven’t noticed, while we were in here fucking like animals, the world around us is falling apart. Those lycans that attacked you, for whatever reason, want you back. I won’t let that happen.”
    He glanced at her from over his shoulder, his stomach knotting and twisting at the reasons she would try to keep him safe. She didn’t know him, didn’t owe him anything. “Why not just give me to them? Why keep me hidden and protected away?”
    “We protect our own, Lance, and whether you like it or not, you are one of us now.”
    “You mean a werewolf or ‘lycan’ as you called those trying to get to me.”
    Guilt rocked his gut as he stared at her, flashes of the moments he’d possessed her body so vivid in his mind it was like he was taking her all over again. “Not that I really want to believe any of this, but I have to know one thing. Why was I so compelled to be with you? Why couldn’t I resist the urge to have you? Why did you let me?”
    She sucked in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I’ve heard of things like this happening to others in my pack, but never has anything like that happened to me.” She swallowed and took a step closer to him. “The wolf is what happened to us, Lance. We’re connected on a primal level, and no other will ever be able to do to me what you just did. I couldn’t have denied you even if I had another choice. I wanted you as much as you wanted me. All I wanted was for you to possess me, claim me. The instinct to be submissive was too much to ignore.”
    He cupped her face in his hands. “Is Walker your lover?”
    “Yes,” she whispered.
    “Even with him standing beside you, you wanted me?”
    She nodded.
    “The wolf instinct is that powerful?”
    “Yes,” she whispered again. “I’m afraid that if the need ever rose again where our wolves desired each other, no matter the circumstance,

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