Telepathy of Hearts

Free Telepathy of Hearts by Eve Irving

Book: Telepathy of Hearts by Eve Irving Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Irving
she could sate. He f east ed on the sight of her ; feeding on her charms was sustenance for his aching heart.
    Bewitched be damned, she owns me .
    Eleanor dipped her head below the water. Coming back up , she gasped the mewl of a woman delighted. She was a t one with her body, at one with the water. Combing her bright tresses with her fing ers, s he opened her mouth and started to sing. The most incredibl ly pure , bell- like voice rang out across the lake. The natural acoustics of mountains and water helped the sound travel, echoing across the e x panse.
    The sweet sensual timbre of tone enveloped both the man and the nature he stood in. It was if this maid were a s i ren calling to him. The sound of song resonated deep in him.
    Dear lord , the charms of her body torment me and this pray, this is the sound of my seduction. Nymph — nay siren , witch or wolf — tame her I must. For live without her I ca n not.
    Matheus swooned. His body unsteady, his long loins fa l tered.
    Whoa. T is me, not the ground that is unsteady .
    Matheus stumbled, h is boots heavy upon the ground. The sound of breaking twigs , with a life of its own , reve r berated out across the lake.
    Eleanor — still comb ing her hair and r unning her fingers through the length of her glorious golden tresses —s topped . S tartled, she turned to face the direction of the sound. The last of the winter light illuminated her pale skin. The play of light danced upon it as if it w ere fashioned of pearl. The warm, golden tone of the dipping sun kissed the horizon a l most level against th e lake, making an aurora frame, l ighting her face as if she had a halo.
    The singing stopped. Her voice quiet ed. Concern dar k ened her expression. Doe eyes glittering between amber and green search ed the lakeside for a figure.
    â€œWho is there? Pray show yourself. ”
    Matheus watched her slip down into the lake. Leaving only her head and shoulders visible, she continued to search the lakeside and question who had noticed her.
    Enveloped by her song and inflamed by her body, he wished he could stay there forever. But he had noticed the alarm in her voice. Walking out from the camouflage of the low boughs, Matheus spoke loudly and clearly as he revealed himself. “It may be to my eternal damnation, if only for the thought of it, but there are things I would do to you , Eleanor of Lancaster , right here and now to sate the hellish desire you have urged in me. God help me, for I have to find the strength to rein in what you are awakening in me until you are mine. ” He stood with his hands on his hips, a slight smirk upon his lips
    â€œDo not speak to me so. Turn around and stay that way. I will come to the edge. Stay facing away from me. Then hand me my clothes. ” She was staring right at him as she gave Matheus instruction.
    â€œMy Lady, if I was used to taking orders, I would be a foot soldier , not one of the King ’s knights and more likely answer to errand boy not Earl. And, my dear Lady, it would be more likely that this knight who stands before you as the jailor of your clothes would take instruction from th e devil himself before you. A nd I would see myself in hell before I did so. ”
    Picking up some smooth stones. Matheus began to skim them across the water and continued. “Now if you say please, my lord in the sweet manner that is fitting for you to speak to me as your husband- to- be, I may turn my back and allow you your clothes. I am a patient man. I have sat and waited for my quarry to tire when I have hunted for many hours —days even. ”
    Matheus had a grin on his face. He laughed. “You ho w ever , my Lady, well let me see —from my experience you are quite impatient, nay very impatient. The water is cold, the wind is picking up. The eve is fast coming upon us, so there lies your predicament. ”
    Eleanor screamed at him. “You are a beast. Now turn your back. ”
    Matheus ignored her.

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