When The Dead Came 2

Free When The Dead Came 2 by Ariana Torralba

Book: When The Dead Came 2 by Ariana Torralba Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariana Torralba
Don't you
want to fight for them??" Charles just stared at Lucinda, and
the pain came back, he turned away to think.
we can find Jenny too," Holly said to them.
makes you think she's still alive," Jeff asked, looking at her.
Holly just looked at him then turned away. No one else spoke, Alex
and his group looked at one another, the others whispering amongst
themselves while Trevor stood to himself, continuing with working on
the knives. Later on, everyone was preparing to go to sleep, claiming
areas and the chestnut haired guy walked up to Holly.
Pherson tell you more?" He handed Holly a beer, ignoring the
fact that she was under 21 years.
told us," she paused to take a drink," he has a brother.
Somewhere here in Ohio. He told Alex's brother, Justin, that his
brother's name is Drew." She took another drink.
happened to him?"
dead," she answered bluntly,” he remained behind and
likely got eaten or bit then turned.” She looked at him since
he was now silent, and realizing the look on his face, it all added
up and she lowered the beer bottle,"... You're Drew?"
he paused and shrugged, trying to not seem so sad," Life goes
on." And they both drank their beer. He changed the subject,"
Aren't you under age?"
I am underage, but it doesn't mean this is my first time drinking
beer," she took another swig," I used to party a lot with
my boyfriend." And she shrugged," but vodka... That's a
different story. I’m avoiding that." Alex walked over
toward Avery and sat down.
lost Jenny," he told her.
know," she responded," I assumed that instantly when we
were brought in here and she wasn’t here." Alex looked at
her then down at the ground.
sure you don't want a drink?"
good, I think I'd rather be free of alcohol at all times. It's really
not the best timing to even start either." Alex stood back up,
stumbling a little.
loss, Ave," he slurred and smiled at her before walking away,
almost falling over.
out," Charles announced," let's get some rest, then in the
morning, we'll go looking for your little friend. If she's even
alive." Nick shut the little lamps off with one handheld switch,
leaving the tunnels in complete darkness.
woke up, thinking she heard a noise, but instead could only hear
someone snoring. Likely someone in the other group. She rolled over
onto her left side, facing the wall and just laid there, no longer
feeling the need to sleep. She wasn’t sure if they should trust
these people. But it seemed like Alex was trusting them.
feet from where she was lying, Trevor also laid there, staring up at
the dark ceiling, hardly getting to sleep either.

gather around," Charles said. Once it hit around 10, just like
Trevor had told Avery, everyone was waking up and getting prepared,"
today we're going out there in two groups, more or less. Look for
supplies and ammo if possible."
I thought you said we were gonna look for Jenny?" Keith asked.
you come across her while doing the errands."
you just lied to us then," he argued back," you just wanted
us to do your groups dirty work then." Holly shook her head
slowly, Keith’s voice causing her temples to ache.
the little dumb ass hadn't ran away then you wouldn't be needing to
have her as another work priority," Charles responded then
looked at the others," how about two groups with six. Will,
Lucinda, Drew, and I will go. Evan, Nick, Trevor, and Jeff will be a
group too."
get to be on our own?" Alex asked. Charles chuckled.
no, you," he gestured at Keith," and you tall chick, come
with us. The short girl and you go with them. Ya'll listen and do as
you're told by the four of them, got it," he looked over at
Jeff," give them a couple weapons." Jeff gave the new
comers a .44 magnum each, a knife, and extra ammo plus a bag for any
supplies found. The two groups left the safe zone, stepping outside
to a grey sky. Holly shut her eyes,

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