Taming Theresa
marriage. John got loaded, so Vince had him stay in town at the B
& B."
    “That’s good.”
    He paused for effect, grinning broadly. "The
stripper was really hot. Want to know the details?"
    Vicky rounded on him, eyes wide. "What?"
    "Just kidding.” He held up his hands
defensively. “There was no stripper. You know Doc wouldn't have
allowed that. Wanted to see your reaction though."
    "You want a stripper? I'll show you a
stripper.” She gave him a sultry look, got up, and straddled his
legs. Her skirt slid up her thighs as she slowly lowered herself
onto his lap. Brushing his cheek with a soft kiss, she opened her
blouse until it slipped off her shoulders revealing the soft mounds
of her breasts enticingly close to his lips. Tugging the lacy bra
down, Vicky offered her nipple and his lips parted.
    "They're all asleep upstairs," she whispered.
“Probably will be for a while yet.”
    Outside tires crunched on the gravel
driveway. They sighed and she reluctantly buttoned up again.
    Holding her tightly, Jack kissed her once
more before she could stand up. “Hey,” he whispered. “Don’t forget
where we left off.”
    She winked at him and quickly sat down at her
computer, saved her work and closed the laptop.
    "When are you going to come out of the closet
and tell people that you and Tori Baxter are one in the same?" he
    "Maybe never. I prefer it that way.” She
smiled. “It was a secret between just Marsha and me, until you came
along. You don't mind do you?"
    Jack smiled. "Whatever makes you happy. Just
remember, if I could figure it out, anyone could."
    "No, I don't think so.” She eyed him over the
rim of the coffee mug. “You're smarter than the average upstate
apple farmer."
    Jack looked out the kitchen window. "It’s
John again. What now?"
* * *
    The car raced up the gravel drive until John
pressed hard on the brake, jerking to a halt before he shifted
abruptly into park. Lowering his head to the steering wheel, he
groaned. There was sand under his eyelids. Without looking in a
mirror, he could feel the redness. Uncombed, his hair stuck up,
still wet from his shower.
    “I'll help you out. Just stay there ‘til I
come around,” he growled at Terry. John pulled his long legs
gradually out of the car and stood slowly, squinting into the
morning sunlight.
    “None of this is my fault,” she muttered.
    He stretched and yawned, then winced with
pain. “You’re killing me, woman.” Hobbling around the car, John
opened the passenger side door and reached in, lifting her into his
arms. Giving the car door a shove with his hip, he made for the
porch door.
    “What do you think you're doing?”
    “I’m delivering you to Jack and Vicky. Now
you're their problem!”
    “I am not a problem! None of this is my
    “Maybe now I'll be able to get some sleep.”
Kicking at the porch door, he called out, "Hey, anybody home? I
need some help here."
    “I’d fight with you about this, but it feels
so much better than hopping on one foot." Theresa relaxed wearily
against his strong shoulder.
    “Yeah sure, but just don’t get used to this
kind of treatment,” he said, taking the opportunity to goose
    She squealed, “Get your hand out of my ass!”
Reaching out she grabbed his ear and twisted.
    "Owww!” John howled. “Stop that or I'll drop
you right here. Jack, for god's sake, give me a hand."
    They stood, staring open mouthed at the sight
of Theresa thrashing in John’s arms.
    Vicky wondered aloud. "I thought you didn't
like each other.”
    “Never mind that. Could you let us in?” John
asked, trying to pry open the screen door with one foot.
    Jack pushed open the door and stepped aside
as John shouldered his way into the kitchen with Terry in his
    “We’ve been up all night,” John announced.
“We both had a little too much to drink and after Theresa slipped
getting out of the bathtub, we never got any sleep.”
    "I beg your pardon. I didn't have too much to
drink. You were the

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