The Werewolf Wears Prada (Entangled Covet) (San Francisco Wolf Pack)
thing, but beyond that, Hayden had never wanted to find his Luminary. He’d realized early on that it wasn’t in the cards for him.
    His parents, Cara and Angus, had been completely, hopelessly in love with one another. They were one—mind, body, and soul—and had completed the Luminary bond young. But after Cara died, Angus had become a recluse. He wouldn’t eat. He’d hide in his office and stare into the space for hours. Leave in the middle of the night. Find an empty park, and shift into wolf form. He’d howl at the moon until daybreak.
    He was a ghost of a man without his mate.
    Why would anyone jump into that kind of bond, where you’d experience that kind of loss, that kind of soul-tearing pain?
    He didn’t want to find out.
    All the more reason he needed to keep Melina at a distance and forget all about that kiss they’d shared yesterday.
    That kiss…
    As the limo pulled up to the curb, Hayden’s mouth still tingled with the delicious taste of her. Distracted beyond belief, he checked the sidewalk. Quaint neighborhood. Locals crossing the street with reusable shopping bags in hand. Women tightening scarves around their necks. A homeless man begging for money in front of the store next door.
    “Go ahead and return the limo, Eugene,” Hayden said to the driver. “I’ll get back on my own.”
    Glancing through the rearview mirror, Eugene nodded and stepped out.
    “No, I got it.” Hayden shoved the rear door open himself. “Thanks, though.”
    As he charged onto the sidewalk, he dug through his pocket and pulled out a few dollar bills folded over a stack of business cards. Unfolding the cash, he handed it to the homeless man who smiled in thanks.
    “If you’re in the same place later tonight, I’ll send someone back with food,” he said, and then shook the man’s hand.
    As he stood, the bitingly-sweet aroma of vanilla and sandalwood wafted from somewhere behind him, overtaking the smell of the dirt on the man in front of him.
    “What are you doing?” she asked, approaching his side.
    “Helping someone who’s down and out.” It was the least he could do after his father had helped him, pulling him off the streets. He opened the door to Vision Amore. “After you.”
    With a puzzled frown, Melina swept inside, and then waited for Hayden to enter behind her. The narrow shop had a distinct floral scent that tickled Hayden’s nose. Black-and-white pictures of celebrities lined the walls, along with what appeared to be thank-you letters. A long counter had been placed in the center of the shop, separating it into two parts. Behind that, a curtain blocked their view of the back half of the space. And over the speakers, Jeff Buckley played guitar and moaned lyrics in a slow, painful rhythm.
    “Giving money to that man was a front, right?” Melina said as they approached the counter. “Something to help me improve your image for the article?”
    “Is that what you think I was doing? Putting on a show?”
    “Giving to charity was part of the improvement plan we went over,” she said simply. “Maybe you’re a better study than I gave you credit for.”
    The way she said study made Hayden think of tutors and homework and studying late night over coffee. He would’ve done a hell of a lot better in law school had Melina been his tutor. Great. Now he was picturing Melina dressed as a schoolgirl. White shirt knotted below her breasts. Short plaid skirt. Thigh highs.
    “What happened out there had nothing to do with your improvement plan.” He swallowed hard to return the moisture to his mouth. “Dean, Hyde, & Hammer donates millions each year.”
    “I’m not talking about your company. I’m talking about you.” She shook her head. “If what I saw just now wasn’t an act, if you are truly that generous, I wouldn’t have been hired to improve your image in the first place. You wouldn’t need it. It had to be a show.”
    He rang the bell beside the register. The high-pitched sound

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