Baller: A Bad Boy Romance

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Book: Baller: A Bad Boy Romance by Amy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Love
the spot as he leaned into me. He held my face in his hands and our lips touched. It was gentle at first, and I thought that was it, but then he continued. I felt his lips part and his tongue run along my lower lip.
    This was wrong.
    This was so wrong, but I didn’t want it to stop. I parted my lips and allowed his tongue entrance into my mouth. How many rules did this break? How many ethical codes was I violating? I was a journalist. I was a reporter—and I was letting my subject stick his tongue down my throat. I was sticking my own tongue down his throat.
    His large, callused hand gripped the back of my neck. The way his lips moved over mine…and the way his tongue felt… who had ever brought me to my knees like this with just a kiss? I put a hand on his chest and gently pushed him away from me.
    We couldn’t do this. It was not professional. It was a conflict of interest. My career was potentially on the line. How could I expect anyone to believe anything I said when I was out here fucking the guy that I am reporting on? No. Lord no . We couldn’t have sex.
    Dante wasn’t the kind of man whom I needed to be having sex with. He was an athlete and he lived like a rock star. He didn’t seem like the sort of guy who had sex with women twice. This was a terrible idea. I didn’t want anything out of it, but I didn’t need to get involved in the first place.
    My hand was on his chest, but he hadn’t stopped kissing me. He had just turned his attention to my neck, sucking and biting. He had fine, soft hairs—not that much and not that dense—covering his chest.
    “Dante… Dante ?” I said.
    “What is it?” he said between kisses on my neck.
    “Dante, we can’t do this.”
    “Mm-hmm,” he said. “You're a reporter. That would be like, using your position over me for power or something,” he mumbled. He didn’t stop. I felt his teeth nibble my ear and my eyes fluttered shut.
    “Dante, I want you to stop,” I said definitively. My voice was shaking and my hand had been absently feeling the grooves of his abs. Under my skirt, my lips felt slick with moisture, already. I knew that if I looked down, my nipples would be hard, pressing against the fabric of my blouse. He raised his head to look at me.
    “If that’s really what you want,” he said gently. I looked at his face. He was so handsome. Everyone knew that. Everyone could see that. It was obvious, but this was new. Dante being vulnerable and honest, talking about something that happened to him, was more attractive than all the flirting he had done in my direction since we had met, but it also just made him a real person.
    Who was this guy? I liked this guy who was honest and who could talk about things even when they hurt. More than anything I wanted to kiss him. It was a bad idea, but I couldn’t just leave. Not then. I leaned forward and kissed him gently. He immediately took the lead, invading my mouth.
    It was a bad idea and it was a mistake, but I was one I was ready and willing to make. I let my hand sink into his crotch and feel him growing through his shorts. We were in the locker room. There was no way we could have gotten completely naked. I heard his groan as my hand felt him through the fabric.
    “Take it out,” he said to me.
    I looked up and saw him looking down at me. I bit my lip and looked down again, easing my hand down into his shorts and feeling his dick. The skin was pulled tight over the shaft because he was hard. It was hot and hard under my fingers. His penis was… it matched the rest of him. He was long and felt thick in my hand. I felt my pussy ache thinking about how thick he would feel when he thrust it into me. He groaned some more as my hand stroked the head in slow circular motions with my fingertips.
    “Do you have protection?” I asked him. I saw his brow furrow a little, he didn’t.
    “I won’t come inside,” he said.
    As if I

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