How To Salsa in a Sari

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Book: How To Salsa in a Sari by Dona Sarkar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dona Sarkar
Cat’s arm. “Come on, babe. Let’s go.”
    â€œUm, yeah, I don’t think so. This little bitch can kiss my—” Adam dragged Cat away before she could finish her sentence.
    The Belles glanced at each other and then back at Issa. Pity showed on their faces before they walked away, their stilettos clicking and miniskirts swaying in sync.
    Issa sniffed back her tears. She was so pathetic. Everyone at school was feeling sorry for her. This wasn’t the time to lose it. Ishaan had been right about one thing. Adam wasn’t good enough for her. He had never loved her. If he had, he would never have treated her this way. She unclenched her hands, realizing she’d left deep indents in her palms from her unclipped nails.
    â€œSorry about that,” Ishaan murmured as he took his books back from Gigi. “I lost it. I can’t stand it when—”
    Without finishing the sentence, he shook his head and took off down the hallway, Gigi staring adoringly after him.
    â€œGod, he’s amazing.”
    â€œAmazing?” Issa stared at his retreating back. It was pretty amazing the way he’d come to her rescue. He was like another big brother to her. So protective. But today, it almost seemed like he was personally vesting himself in the situation.
    Issa didn’t know whether to be flattered or concerned at how personally he was taking this whole Adam business.
    â€œDo you think he would go out with me?” Gigi asked as Issa opened her locker. “I mean, like dating, not friends.”
    Issa considered this. Ishaan had never dated anyone. Sure, he’d taken girls who were friends to Homecoming but never had a real girlfriend. He was a good-looking guy, but she still didn’t understand what Gigi saw in him. He wasn’t the usual dumb-jock type Gigi liked. Ishaan was a lone wolf. He was good at school and good at sports, but didn’t belong to any cliques. Issa knew he had a mysterious side and she didn’t know if Gigi would be able to handle that.
    â€œIt’s up to you, girl. Sure he’s your type?” Issa avoided looking at Gigi. The truth was, the thought of her two best friends together made her feel weird. The only thing they seemed to have in common was their friendship with her. On top of every other change going on in her life, Issa was afraid the dynamics of their friendship would change if Ishaan and Gigi started to date. They would have their own thing going and she would be the third wheel.
    â€œHe’s hot. And when he gets that look in his eye, like he knows what he wants and he’s going to get it. Ooh, he’s so sexy then.” Gigi’s eyes went soft and dreamy.
    Issa smiled. Gigi’s idea of sexy ranged from Usher to Seth Cohen on The O.C. to Ishaan Banerjee. Her friend was just plain boy-crazy. Despite this, Issa had to admit Ishaan was intensely sexy, much more so than the average seventeen-year-old guy.
    â€œThen, yeah, ask him, I guess.” Issa shut her locker, wanting to change the topic. Knowing Gigi, she would lose interest in this mission by the end of second period.
    â€œIz?” Gigi didn’t move. “I need a favor.”
    Issa knew what was coming and she didn’t like the idea one bit. “Uh-uh. I don’t think so.”
    â€œPlease! Please, please, please! You know him so much better than I do. You guys have that Indian family connection thing. Just find out if he’s interested. But don’t tell him I like him!”
    â€œGig—” This was a conversation she never thought she would have to have with Ishaan. What would she say, how would she start? What if he said yes? Her skin prickled at the thought. Right now, she was one of the most important people in Ishaan’s life. That would change if he started dating Gigi. She would be left all alone. First ditched by Alisha for Diego, then ditched by Ishaan for Gigi.
    â€œPlease, Iz! I’ll love you

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