How To Salsa in a Sari

Free How To Salsa in a Sari by Dona Sarkar

Book: How To Salsa in a Sari by Dona Sarkar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dona Sarkar
doesn’t suck so bad, does it?” Gigi could barely hide the envious tone in her voice.
    Issa realized she was smiling smugly, but she couldn’t help it. Her smugness lasted exactly thirty more seconds till she crossed the hallway to her locker.
    Adam was pressed against Issa’s locker. Rather, he was being pressed onto her locker. By Cat. They were kissing, Adam’s face contorted in pure bliss as Cat ran her fingers through his hair and ground her pelvis into his.
    Issa froze.
    â€œYou want me to kick his ass now?” a low voice came from behind her. Ishaan was jamming his foot against the watercooler and glowering, not taking his eyes off Adam and Cat for an instant. “She ran in five seconds ago, grabbed Adam away from his idiot friends and practically threw him up against your locker.” Ishaan shifted his toasted hazelnut-colored eyes to Issa. “She’s playing with you.”
    â€œI’m gonna be sick,” Issa whispered, spinning around to face anywhere else.
    Gigi looked like she was going to cry. “I hate him! How can he do this to you?”
    â€œThat’s it. Hold this.” Ishaan shoved his physics book into Gigi’s hands.
    Issa held her breath. This was about to get ugly. As horrified as she was by the spectacle, a tiny twinge inside her was pleased Ishaan cared enough about her to be so angry. She had a feeling she was witnessing chivalry in the making.
    â€œWhat’s he doing?” Issa was too afraid to turn around.
    â€œHe’s going up to them. Oh my God, he just grabbed Adam by the neck. Cat just jumped away. God, you have to see this!”
    â€œStop it!” Cat shrieked.
    Issa dared to turn around.
    Ishaan had Adam by the collar, Adam’s freckled neck shading into a fierce red.
    â€œYou were never good enough for Iz. You know that, and I know that. Take the slut and get the hell out of here. Now!” Ishaan released Adam’s collar and Adam’s head hit the locker with a slam. “If I see you again, I swear to God…”
    Issa bit her lip. She hadn’t wanted Adam to get hurt. She thought Ishaan would just threaten him. This fight didn’t seem fair. Ishaan was a star athlete and Adam could barely climb a flight of stairs without reaching for his asthma inhaler.
    She stepped forward and was about to tell Ishaan to back off. Before she could, Adam met Ishaan’s eyes defiantly and took Cat’s hand. “Let’s go, baby.”
    Issa could feel the tears start to well up. I won’t cry. Not here. Not now.
    â€œ Someone’s not handling this breakup well, are they?” Cat straightened her tiered miniskirt and swung her purse over her shoulder, arrogant smile returning to her face.
    No, she wasn’t handling the breakup well. And Adam knew her better than almost anyone. How could he treat her this way? Shoving this stupid new relationship in her face?
    â€œLet’s go somewhere else, Cat,” Adam murmured, not looking at Issa.
    â€œOh, don’t worry, Adam.” Cat threaded her arm through his. “Issa’s just feeling a bit insecure. Being a charity case and all. I mean, my dad has her and her mommy in the guest house living like queens. For now anyway. As soon as he gets sick of the trash he’s picked up, they’ll be back out on the street.”
    Issa gritted her teeth and noticed a crowd had formed to see what all the commotion was about. A group of perfectly layered haired, label-conscious girls who called themselves the Belles were watching Issa with hawk eyes. They’d never even glanced at her before. Issa treated them the way she thought of all the “popular” girls, avoidance with a slight dash of fear.
    Right now Issa had something in common with the Belles. All of them hated Cat. Issa turned her attention back to the locker drama at hand.
    Ishaan took a murderous step toward Adam after Cat’s latest comment. Adam quickly grabbed

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