Chasing Terpsichore (Muses Across Time)

Free Chasing Terpsichore (Muses Across Time) by Maggie Mitchell

Book: Chasing Terpsichore (Muses Across Time) by Maggie Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Mitchell
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
backstage area. The bright lights contrasted with the dimness of the club and it took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust. A series of doors lined the corridor, which led to the rear of the club. He opened the first one, but one of the muscle shirt-clad bouncers stood in his way, an immovable object the size of half a mountain.
    “Get the fuck out of here, shithead. This is a private dressing room,” he said.
    Trying to look past the giant in front of him, James raised his voice as the music resumed. “I’m looking for Corey. I need to speak to her urgently.”
    “You and every other randy dude in town. Now piss off.”
    “I’m afraid I must insist. It’s a matter of life and death.”
    “Oh yeah, that’s what they all say.” The giant placed his enormous hands against his chest and pushed, effortlessly shoving James across to the opposite wall as the door slammed in front of him.
    He jumped up and pounded. “Hey, I have to speak to Corey. Now! It’s really important.”
    Realising he wouldn’t find her that way he looked around and decided to check out the other rooms. However, before he could even take one step, two more bouncers arrived and headed right for him.
    Retreat seemed like the best course of action at this stage, so he backed up and headed into the club. There had to be another way to get past the muscle and find Corey. As he headed for the front door, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and tried Corey’s phone again, only to shove it back when she still didn’t pick up.
    After leaving through the front of the club, he scouted the laneway. He screwed up his nose, trying to mask the disgusting odours wafting about. The garbage containers reeked of rotting food and excrement and he struggled not to throw up. He found the gate at the end of the alley locked, but it opened readily enough with a shove from his shoulder. The back door of the club was in his sights when a young woman ran out of the building in obvious distress.
    James sprinted across the space, catching up with her as she tried to run towards the main street. She screamed as he closed the distance and caught up with her.
    “Get away from me.”
    He held onto her arm as she struggled to get away. “Hey, I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to ask you some questions.”
    “Get real,” she said as she pushed his hand off. “I just want to get the fuck out of here. Let me go.”
    “Please, just one question and I’ll leave you alone,” he said, stepping back and giving the girl some space. “I’m looking for Corey. Is she still inside?”
    The girl paled, her hands shaking as she picked at a piece of fluff on her coat.
    “Please, you have to tell me if you know anything. I have to find her, she’s in danger.”
    The girl lowered her head and stared at her feet. “It may be too late. He took her.”
    What? No!
    Her words were like a kick in the guts, pushing all the air out of his lungs so he could only manage a whisper. “Who took her?” He gripped her chin, raising her face. “What are you talking about?”
    Shaking her head, she tried to wriggle away, but he held fast.
    “Where is she?”
    A tiny tear trickled down the girl’s cheeks. “This old dude was waiting for her in her dressing room. I heard her yelling at him to go back to the hellhole he came from, but he just laughed at her.”
    “What happened after that?”
    She shifted from one foot to another. “If I tell you, you’ll think I’m crazy.”
    “Just tell me for God’s sake.”
    “It sounded like a storm, with the wind howling, and then it went quiet. I looked in to see if Corey was okay, but she was gone and the room was trashed. I know she didn’t leave through the door because she would have passed me.”
    Holy shit. He knew weird stuff was happening around Corey, but this was unbelievable . “Is there a window?”
    “You see that’s the thing. The windows are boarded up. There is no way to get out of that room except the door. You

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