Strike (Completion Series)

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Book: Strike (Completion Series) by Holly S. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly S. Roberts
of evil baseball players who try to take advantage of his sister, keeper of the key that unlocks your chastity belt.”
    “Stop , please.” I started laughing so hard it was hard to talk. “I do not wear a chastity belt.”
    His tone lowered to that oh -so-sexy deep whisper. “That’s what I wanted to hear, baby,” he said then kissed me again. Dwaine unlocking the front door startled us out of our lip lock.
    “What are you still doing out here?”
    Reed gave a low groan I hope only I could hear and replied to Dwaine’s question, “We’re going on a date, but like everything else, I needed to talk her into it.” Reed backed away from me and clasped my hand.
    It was dark , but the nightlights from the restaurant allowed us to see Dwaine’s expression. “I know it’s a Friday night, but you shouldn’t have her out too late.”
    Reed’s fingers tightened ever so slightly around mine. “Yes, sir. I spoke to Jon already and he gave me the rules for dating his sister.”
    I moved in closer to Reed and elbowed him in the ribs.
    “Goodnight, sir,” Reed said as he led me to his car while rubbing the bruise I hoped I’d left behind. He buckled me in like a child before we took off. I started laughing and his groan was louder this time. His fingers rubbed his chin. “You have a legion of guardians. It’s a date. I’m not running off to Vegas with you or getting you so drunk you can’t resist me. You’d think you were sixteen.”
    I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing again. “I’m sorry you went through all that trouble, but I’m not going on a date with you while I’m in my uniform and smelling like a day-old hamburger.”
    He gave me an exasperated glance. “I told you I like the way you smell.”
    “You need to take medicine for your stuffed nose then. But back to my point, I’m not going on a date with you while I’m wearing my ugly uniform either.”
    “I wasn’t expecting you to, though. I don’t mind and with you in it, that uniform is far from ugly. We’re going to my house so you can change.”
    Talk about maddening. “I don’t have anything to change into.”
    “Your brother packed you a bag.”
    Annoyed anyone?
    I seriously wanted to slap him and then get ahold of my brother. Anger made my voice hard. “Is this what you do? Take over people’s lives, pre-plan what they’re doing and when they’re doing it? Do I even have a say?”
    He ignored me and continued driving until we pulled into his driveway. He stopped the car in front of his door and turned off the engine. Quiet settled around us. He unfastened his seat belt and turned. I couldn’t quite see his face in the shadows, but I was thinking that was a good thing at this point.
    “You always have a say , Jaycee, but…”
    I made a low grumbling noise in my throat.
    “But…you live in a world where your sister and brother always come first. You’ve never come first. I understand how hard it must be, even if you think I don’t. I want to help and it’s not only because I’m trying to be a nice guy. You turn me on, drive me insane, and bring out all my protective instincts. I’ve never been unsure about anything in my life, but with you, I don’t know if I’m coming or going. I want to explore whatever this is. I want you living over the garage and working for me because I actually need the help, and it will help you at the same time. I want to take you on a date because you deserve a date, so I’m asking.” He hesitated, taking a deep breath then releasing it. “Would you like to go out with me tonight?”
    We were both insane , but he put me in a place of constant hunger for sex…for him…frustration that I could no longer live with. And he wanted a date. I didn’t think I could take any more. I went for broke. “No, Reed, I don’t want to go on a date. I can’t sleep at night because I’m turned on and ready to explode. It’s driving me crazy. It’s not a date I need from you.”


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