The Queen and the Nobody Boy

Free The Queen and the Nobody Boy by Barbara Else

Book: The Queen and the Nobody Boy by Barbara Else Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Else
Tags: Fantasy, teenage, Magical Realism
strange-shaped luggage joined the man. She wore a medal on a coat with button-down pockets.
    â€œYes, yes, I am Master-Professor Glimp,” the man said. “And here is Madame-Professor Winterbee. Is Fontania invaded yet?”
    Hodie listened so hard he almost felt his ears expand.
    â€œKing Jasper and Queen Sibilla are not yet in our control,” the officer said. “Emperor’s plans have …” He put a finger to his lips and lowered his voice.
    Down the platform, Sibilla began to turn her head. The officer was still talking.
    â€œâ€¦ and King Jasper has sped from City of Spires on flagship-steamer, Excellent Eagle .”
    Hodie felt himself being pushed along by the crowd. He edged back to catch the officer’s next sentence.
    â€œâ€¦ telegraph not working at moment. The wires very tangled by the storm. Urgent to fix it. Moment it is A-OK again, war will be declared. Then you examine little Queen for magical ability.” The officer clicked his heels and marched back into the Depot.
    A scary sense of duty tried to grip Hodie. But none of this was his problem. It really wasn’t.
    â€œTypical kerfuffle.” The Madame-Professor tapped her fingers on her luggage. “We interrupt our holiday to rush over, but there is no war.”
    Master-Professor Glimp sucked on his moustache. “We will go to City of Spires as Emperor ordered. Find good hotel. Then wait.”
    Hodie found he’d shuffled closer to hear more.
    â€œRemember, we will each win Gold Medal of Discovery in next Imperial Honours List.” Glimp looked very pleased with himself.
    â€œ Hmph ,” said Madame-Professor Winterbee. “What if rebels get rid of Prowdd’on in meantime? What if rebels become new government while we are examining little Queen?”
    Rebels? Yes, the rebels against Emperor Prowdd’on! Hodie wanted to give a cheer, and kept on listening.
    â€œThen we say we examine royal Fontanians for honour of new government. There is always very good answer in science.” Glimp heaved up various bits of baggage and struggled off across the platform.
    The Madame-Professor glanced at Hodie. He pretended he was on a quest for ear-wax (and actually found some). She took a notebook from one of her pockets, scribbled a few lines, looked at him more closely, then spoke to him. “Boy, are you Fontanian or Um’Binnian? Little brother here is definitely Fontanian.”
    Little brother …? Sibilla was at his shoulder! Hodie made a go-away face at her. She wiped her nose on the back of her hand and grinned like a small boy being curious. Down the platform, Murgott was looking in his duffel bag at something.
    The scientist scrawled a last line and showed Hodie and Sibilla the sketch. “There! Fontanian ethnic rags, all very quaint.”
    She had drawn two ragamuffins with dirty faces: a taller boy with a straight dark fringe sticking out under a cap, a smaller boy in a huge cap with no hair showing. Both urchins stared wide eyed at the wind-train (there was a hint of a carriage and one sail, to give the idea). The scientist had also drawn the pendant peeking out from Sibilla’s collar. What’s more, she had written a caption: Fontanian urchins agog at Um’Binnian progress, while their royal family undergoes Um’Binnian examination and investigation .
    â€œExamination?” Sibilla asked – luckily in a high voice that could belong to a little brother. “Investigation?”
    Winterbee nodded. “To track and trace magical ability. Myself, I doubt they have it. But scientist keep open mind.” She tucked the notebook away. “If it is true, we discover how to make stronger abilities in Um’Binnia.” She picked up her luggage.
    â€œExcuse me?” Hodie said. The Professor stopped. “Are you going to hurt the – um – Queen?”
    Madame-Professor flicked a hand. “Pain cannot stop progress of

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