The Truth About Ever After

Free The Truth About Ever After by Rachel Schurig

Book: The Truth About Ever After by Rachel Schurig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Schurig
back,” I said, returning her smile.
set the flowers down at the edge of my desk and came around to hug me. “You’re
very sweet, you know that?”
but the best for my new sister-in-law,” I said.
    “ Whatcha doing?” she asked, peering at my screen.
nothing,” I said, feeling like a little kid caught doing something they weren’t
supposed to. From her vantage point behind my desk she could clearly see my
Internet browser, opened to a webpage called Mommy Dearest .
was just doing research for the Baldwin shower,” I said, inspiration striking.
“You know, trying to get some ideas flowing.”
raised her eyebrow slightly, and I just knew she didn’t believe me. Oh well, it
wasn’t like she was my boss or anything. And this gave me the chance to put
phase two of the Baby Plan into action.
and I want you guys to come over for dinner this week,” I said. “Welcome the
newlyweds home, you know?”
sounds nice,” she said. “What night?”
works for you. You know what,” I said, as if the
thought had just occurred to me, “let’s invite the girls, too. We can look at
each other’s pictures from the trip.”
like that,” Jen said. “Maybe Ginny can get a sitter.”
she could bring the kids,” I said casually. “That wouldn’t be a problem at
Jen walked back to her office, I couldn’t help but smile to myself. So far, so good.

    Chapter Eight

can you please check on the lasagna?” I called out from the bathroom. “They
should be here any minute!”
lasagna is fine,” he said, coming to stand in the doorway to watch me apply my
makeup. “I checked two minutes ago, which was the last time you asked me. Kiki,
you need to relax, okay?”
just excited.” I leaned forward to add another coat of mascara. “We don’t
entertain at home very often, you know?”
but we just spent an entire week with these people,” he pointed out. “It’s not
like they’re strangers.”
sighed. Boys just didn’t get it. “Did you remember to put the magazines away?”
sweetie. And the shoes by the front door. And my porn
narrowed my eyes at him. “Oh, very funny.”
gave me a roguish grin and came closer to stand behind me, putting his hands
around my waist. “You smell good,” he murmured, sniffing my hair. He looked
over my head to meet my eyes in the mirror. “I would much rather spend this
evening alone with you.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in the mirror and
I couldn’t help but laugh.
go of me, you creep,” I said, slapping at his hands as I giggled.
love my creepy ways.” Eric leaned down and nuzzled my neck, kissing me lightly
just above the collarbone. It sent little shivers down my back. Just as I was
about to give in and kiss him back, the phone rang.
probably the doorman!” I yelled, pushing him back. “Baby, please get the phone
so I can finish my make-up.”
much for getting you to relax,” Eric muttered as he walked down the hall.
heard Eric on the phone, instructing the doorman to send our guests up. I quickly
finished my mascara and applied a last coat of lipstick. Smacking my lips
together to blot, I double-checked my appearance in the mirror, then headed out to the living room to make sure everything
looked okay.
had spent the afternoon cleaning, putting away all the junk that Eric and I let
accumulate in the living room. I had gone out and bought several bouquets of flowers which were now scattered in vases around the living
room. Hmm, I wonder if five vases are too
many? I thought to myself.
the dining room I had set our formal table with the china from our wedding,
something I usually only got to do if my parents were coming to dinner. There
was something so fun about throwing a dinner party. For about the millionth
time lately, I wished

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