Kinky Bet

Free Kinky Bet by Maggie Nash

Book: Kinky Bet by Maggie Nash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Nash
shone through the bay window, its brilliance adding an ethereal quality where she knelt in perfect posture.
    Beautiful .
    Standing by the door, he observed the others in the room as they watched the little sub, as entranced by her as he. He smiled. They could look, but they wouldn’t be touching. This time she was all his.
    His well-trained staff began wheeling in trays laden with the many exotic treats he’d ordered. Enya swayed slightly, but didn’t move as another couple of his staff bustled around the room, shifting tables and chairs. He almost wished she would move, giving him a reason to spank her gorgeous arse, but as he spied her rosy cheeks again, lovely though they were, he recognised that she’d had enough punishment in that area for now. He shifted his weight and moved towards her, noting the blush creeping into her neck as he approached. He inhaled the sweet scent of the soap he’d instructed Ione to use on her. Mixed with a faint odour of sex, the combination was intoxicating. Enya’s pert breasts and rosy nipples stood out, enhanced by her posture, in exactly the way he’d shown her. He was so proud to see her taking his instruction to heart, and it gave him hope that she would be amenable to his plan for after the weekend. For now, though, he had other plans.
    “Stand up, Enya.”
    He observed her while she stood confidently, like she’d been born to this life, gracefully sitting back onto her heels before pushing herself to the standing position. He silently thanked both Jacob and Ione for their excellent tutelage. She would need that control to keep up with him if she decided to stick around.
    He gestured to the round table in front of her. “Sit on the lazy Susan in the middle. You can cross your legs, but face me.”
    She raised her eyebrows, but quickly complied, climbing up and getting in position, her crossed legs offering a delectable view of her pussy to anyone who was in the correct line of sight.
    One of his staff rolled a trolley laden with numerous plates of food next to the table. He pulled a chair close to the table and sat down. Her eyes were trained on him as he studied her, noting the blush of her skin, her swollen lips and the faint marks around her nipples and breasts that were reminders of this morning’s fun.
    Turning away from her, he studied the food, choosing a bowl of juicy strawberries. He held one up to show her. “Are you hungry, fire girl?”
    She smiled as she nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’m starving. I forgot to eat this morning.”
    He laughed. Even in submission she kept her wonderful sense of humour. “How silly of you. We’ll have to remedy that,” he said as he held the luscious fruit in front of her mouth. She moved her hand to take it but he pulled back. “Put your hands behind your back. A Master sometimes chooses to feed his sub.” He held it out to her again and waited. When she didn’t immediately open her mouth he teased her lips with the soft fruit until she opened slightly and he shoved it in.
    She coughed, and almost spat it out, but one look from him and she changed her mind, chewing until it was gone. He watched as her dainty tongue slipped out, licking the pink juice from her lips. Crossing his legs to cover his erection, he reached for another strawberry, although this time he rubbed it over her pussy lips. She nearly jumped off the table so he nodded to his staff, and two of the male subs in training came over.
    “My sub seems to be having trouble staying in position for her lunch. Do you think you could help her?”
    The men moved behind her and each one placed a hand on her shoulder to steady her and another under her thigh, spreading her thighs wider.
    “Is this sufficient, Master Conal?” one of them asked.
    He nodded to them. “Excellent. Hold her still.”
    Turning back to Enya he again rubbed her with the strawberry, this time circling her clit and entrance with the cold flesh. She moaned, straining slightly against the restraining

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