Pride x Familiar
breaching our network, I might never have
investigated the freighter explosion.”
    Maya spoke softly. “So you believe the Fragment
they are using was in that shipment they stole six years ago.”
    “Yes, I do. Although we cannot discount the
possibility that Crimson Crescent may have stolen an unlocked and
un-bonded Fragment from one of the Prides secret facilities.”
    I shook my head quickly. “It sounds like we’re
going in circles with this. Without hard facts, we could speculate
    Severin nodded. “That is indeed true. So for
now, we’re going to stick with the assumption proposed thus far.
Five years ago, Crimson Crescent stole the network breaking
Fragment from the super freighter. Agreed?”
    After a little while we all nodded in
    Maya asked, “Is it just Galatea Academy being
    “For the moment, yes. I’ve had meetings with my
contemporaries at Arcala Academy and Phelan Academy, and they’ve
confirmed their schools have not been breached.”
    Maya asked, “So what’s so special about our
    Severin was quiet for a moment. “For the time
being, I’m not in a position to comment on that.”
    Maya scowled. “Then what can you tell us about
the network breaches?”
    His shoulders sagged a little. “I can tell you
that these attacks were initiated within the premises of the
    I blinked a handful of times. “From inside
    “Unfortunately…yes.” Severin worked the pen
remote and the Crimson Crescent emblem vanished, only to be
replaced by a very detailed representation of the academy grounds
and facilities.
    Five little red dots appeared inside a number of
the buildings.
    Severin waved the remote. “Each breach happened
at a different facility within the academy. Computer studies,
physics and chemistry laboratories, and the library. All were used
at one point or another to access the secure levels of our school’s
information network. All happened within the span of a month. But
they stopped as soon as the school year came to an end.”
    I asked, “Any idea why?”
    Severing glanced at Simone. “We have an idea,
but we’ll get to that shortly.”
    I gave Simone a quick look. The serenity on her
face conflicted with the tension in her eyes.
    Maya asked softly, “Do we know what they are
after? Do we know what is being protected by those security
    Severin was quiet for a moment. “I cannot answer
that question at this time.” He raised a hand to forestall a
protest from the girl. “Maya, please. Later, you will understand
why this is so. There are some matters I need to confirm before I
can even attempt to answer your question.”
    Simone slipped off the desk, and walked closer
to the holovid image representing the Academy grounds. She cleared
away the image with her own pen remote, then quietly addressed all
of us in the room.
    “I’d like all of you to listen carefully.
Bringing you all together, and revealing this to you carries a
degree of risk for us. To that end, I’m asking you all to keep this
a secret. Caprice isn’t here, but she does understand the
situation. So please, do not discuss this with anyone else. Is that
    She gave each of us a measured look, favoring
none over the other.
    I gave her a nod. “My lips are sealed.”
    Maya said, “I understand. My lips are sealed as
    Rina replied in a like manner.
    Simone swept her gaze over all of us again, and
I saw relief and gratitude in her eyes.
    She smiled and said, “Thank you.”
    Severin stepped up beside her. “You have my
sincere thanks as well.”
    I felt dark, conflicted feelings from the
sincere expressions of appreciation they were bestowing upon
    I wasn’t used to those coming from an
    When I glanced at Maya and the other girl, they
looked troubled and a touch embarrassed as well.
    The Student Council President and the
Vice-President shared a quiet look, before Severin spoke again.
    “There’s something

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