Trouble Don’t Last Always

Free Trouble Don’t Last Always by Francis Ray

Book: Trouble Don’t Last Always by Francis Ray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francis Ray
hadn’t needed to. Silently she had gotten into his car. Now, she was walking up the curved staircase again. She could only hope this time the outcome would be different.
    “I put you in the room next to Adam.” Opening the door, Mrs. Wakefield stepped aside and motioned Lilly to enter.
That was the only word she could think of to describe the bright room. The floral print pillows on the large bed matched the ties in the curtains. The room was almost as spacious as her entire house. “This is my room?” she asked in stunned amazement.
    “Yes.” Mrs. Wakefield walked around Lilly and opened another door on the far side of the room. “This is the dressing room and bath. You should be very comfortable here. The house staff, Samuel and Odette, take care of the general housekeeping and will be back early Monday morning.” She returned to Lilly. “Later I’ll show you the cottage where I’m staying, but under no circumstances is Adam to know I’m there.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” she answered, glancing around the room again. She’d never seen so much luxury in one place. “Dr. Delacroix explained everything to me.”
    “Then we’ll go say our good-byes to Adam and leave,” Mrs. Wakefield said, then stopped at the door. “I think you should come also.”
    “Don’t you want to be alone?” Lilly asked, trying not to show her nervousness.
    “It will be less stressful on all of us if we get everything settled at once.”
    Without waiting, she left. Kristen immediately followed, as did Jonathan. Nicole stayed, her hazel eyes narrowed on Lilly as if she were back to studying slime that had crawled out of a swamp on its belly.
    “If you do anything to harm Adam or his mother, I’ll see that you pay for it the rest of your life,” Nicole warned coldly.
    “I’m not a criminal. I just want a job,” Lilly said, barely resisting the temptation to back away from the animosity in the other woman’s face.
    Kristen reappeared in the doorway. “We’re waiting.”
    With one last meaningful glare, Nicole walked out the door. Wondering why the other woman disliked her so intensely, Lilly slowly followed.
    Mrs. Wakefield waited until they were all gathered, then knocked softly on the door. “Adam, Ms. Crawford is here as you requested. We’ve come to say good-bye, Adam.”
    Kristen sniffed. “I don’t want to leave him.”
    Eleanor sent her daughter a small smile of support. “I know, but it has to be done.”
    There was a thump, quickly followed by a curse. Nicole reached for the brass doorknob. Eleanor stuck her arm out in front of the other woman. “He wouldn’t want us to see him.”
    Long seconds passed before the door cracked open. Adam, aviator shades firmly in place, stood in the narrow space no wider than the span of his hand. “Have a safe trip home.”
    “We will.” Eleanor’s voice trembled. “I don’t suppose you’ll change your mind and allow me to stay.”
    “This is best.”
    “All right, then give me my good-bye kiss.”
    Adam tensed, but he didn’t move away as Eleanor slowly pushed the door wider, then palmed one of her son’s unshaven cheeks and kissed the other. “I love you. Always remember that.”
    Stepping back, she shoved her knuckled fist into her mouth. Jonathan’s arms curved around her. She leaned into his wide chest.
    “I’d rather be here with you than studying for finals.” Kristen took Eleanor’s place and rested her trembling hand on her brother’s chest. His hand lifted to briefly clasp hers, then returned to his side.
    “You’ll ace them as usual. I hate you didn’t get a chance to work on your honors thesis. I know how important it is for you.”
    She swallowed before speaking. “There’s still time. I love you.”
    “Take care, Sis.” He stepped back and started to close the door.
    “Adam, wait!” Nicole cried, rushing to him. He turned his head around just as she lifted hers to his face. Instead of their lips meeting, the top of his head

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