Taste of Lightning

Free Taste of Lightning by Kate Constable

Book: Taste of Lightning by Kate Constable Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Constable
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kid: he was the expert. He said, ‘I can see something.’ And they all took a breath, even Tugger.
    â€˜What is it? What is it?’ That was Fello, quick and nervous.
    â€˜Steady,’ murmured Tugger. ‘Let me see, Snake.’
    Perrin said, ‘It’s gone. Sorry. Looked like one of those half-men you were talking about. With claws instead of hands.’
    Doughty swore softly. Perrin decided he’d better not push it too far. ‘I can’t see anything now,’ he said truthfully.
    â€˜The Balts are holding the boy at the corner of the east wing, closest to us. See those two towers with the big flags? Below that, just above the first row of battlements. Those three long windows. That’s our target, lads.’
    Perrin passed the glass to Fello; they all took a turn, scanning the walls, checking the terrain. Perrin didn’t have to worry about any of that, Tugger had said. His job was the beasts. The others would take care of everything else. ‘But I want you in the room. You’ll be with me. Clear? The boy’s not far off your age. People like you. Might make life easier.’
    Suddenly Perrin understood. ‘He’s not expecting us, is he?’
    â€˜We’ve tried to get word to him, but we don’t know. There’s a chance he might even be . . . hostile.’
    â€˜Hostile? To being rescued?’
    â€˜Captives can get attached to their captors. I’ve seen it happen. That’s where you come in. Make friends. Persuade him we’re here to help. Clear?’
    Perrin took another look through the glass at the three corner windows. The others were muttering about hooks, and ropes, and signals; Perrin didn’t listen. This time he really could see a patrol on the battlements. Three men. They looked ordinary enough, in the scarlet-and-blue uniform of Palace guards. Much smarter than the drab Rengani mud-brown. It wasn’t what the Balt regular army wore, of course, but even the Balt battle gear was a tasteful shade of blue-grey . . .
    Three men. Two with short swords, for close fighting. No shields. Not expecting any action, and why would they? What was the third man holding – a whip? Perrin squinted through the glass. It was a lead, a pair of leads. The patrol moved past a gap in the battlements, and Perrin grinned to himself as he saw the dogs. Two big black-and-tan hounds with square muzzles. They’d be vicious in attack, but they were just ordinary dogs; nothing he couldn’t handle with his eyes shut. He’d never entirely believed Tugger’s stories about the half-men, half-beasts, but it was still a relief to know that this was going to be easy after all.
    On the way back to the boat, Perrin suddenly stopped short and cocked his head.
    â€˜Sst!’ Fello alerted the others.
    Perrin sang a low growl of chantment that made the hair stand up on everyone’s neck. ‘Surroan?’ muttered Tugger.
    Perrin, still singing, shook his head. He dropped to his haunches. ‘Keep still,’ he whispered.
    A huge wild boar stood on the other side of the clearing. A big, heavy sow, with jowls flecked with foam. She raised her head and grunted.
    Perrin lifted his voice. The sow swung her head toward him and squealed. She pawed the ground. Perrin couldn’t see her eyes in the shadows. Come on, princess. This won’t take long, then you can go on your way. He sang, low and sweet, and stepped toward the sow. She lowered her head – in submission, or ready to charge? Perrin heard someone’s breath catch. For a long moment, he and the sow stared at each other. Then she swung her head away and trotted off through the trees.
    â€˜By the bones!’ Doughty clapped him on the back so hard he nearly fell over. ‘That was a close one! Lucky –’
    â€˜No luck about it,’ said Tugger swiftly. ‘Well done, lad.’
    â€˜It was nothing,’ said Perrin modestly. It was lucky: lucky

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