In Name Only

Free In Name Only by Ellen Gable

Book: In Name Only by Ellen Gable Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen Gable
    Inside the main
entrance, Caroline’s eyes followed the wide columns up the grand archways to
the high ceilings.  Above them swung an enormous crystal gaslight chandelier.
The walls and ceilings were a bright white. Caroline found herself squinting
and pulling her hat down.  The floors were smooth checkered tiles.  Liam held
his arm up and she grasped onto it. 
    They strolled
about, gazing at paintings and sculptures in the central dome area, keeping
silent as they walked.  Caroline studied Liam as he scrutinized the art works. 
When he was really concentrating, Liam absentmindedly stroked his beard with
his thumb.
    Ahead of them a
small crowd gathered in front of an art work.  Caroline couldn’t see whether it
was a painting or a sculpture but as they inched nearer, Caroline’s pulse
quickened.  This was a statue of a.  .  . Caroline drew her breath in and
instinctively glanced away.  Liam appeared to be studying the sculpture of an
unclothed woman intently. The crowds surrounding this piece made it impossible
to get too close and for that, Caroline was grateful. She could feel Liam’s
gaze on her and again, knew that her face was flushed.  Behind her, she heard a
woman say, “Vile statue!”
    Liam cleared his
throat. “Perhaps we ought to make our way to the front to meet your uncle and
    “Yes, of course,”
she replied, thankful that they would be moving on.  “What time is it?”
    Checking his
pocket watch, he replied, “Ten past noon.”
    “I wonder which
restaurant we will go to,” Caroline asked.
    Liam pulled out
the guide." There are several listed here. The Great American Restaurant, Trois Frères Provençaux ...pardon my poor French...Restaurant of the South, Lauber’s German
Restaurant.  Do any of these appeal to you, Caroline?”
    “I’m not sure. 
And you?”
    “Well, all these
seem like good dining establishments.”
    “What kinds of
foods do you like, Liam?”
    “That’s a
difficult one to answer, because I eat just about anything put in front of me. 
I’m not a fussy sort, at least about food.”
    “But you must
like some foods more than others?”
    “Well, I like
baked ham, roast beef and Jane makes a delicious Irish stew. And you?  What
foods do you prefer?”
    “I like sweet
potatoes, carrots. And fruit, I enjoy apples, pears, strawberries, oranges. 
And sweet cakes.”
    “Well, I know you
like sweet food if you like root beer, but you obviously don’t eat a lot of
cakes.  You’re awfully small.”
    “Do you think I’m
too small?”
    “No, not at all. 
I think you are perfect.” His warm smile and gentle tone made him seem more
handsome and for a moment, she felt breathless.
    As she held onto
his arm, her heart was beating rapidly.  Would he know how he was affecting
    “There you are,”
called Uncle.  “Let’s make our way over to the US government building to see
that painting.”
    “I’m thrilled
that we’re going to finally see the Eakins’ painting, Carrie.  I’ve heard and
read so much about it.  It’s caused quite a controversy.”
    “Why, Lizzie?”
    “It’s supposed to
be quite realistic.”
    Caroline cringed
and wondered whether she ought to suggest that she and Liam go elsewhere. 
Instead, she remained silent.
    At the US government building, Uncle led them toward the smaller hospital building.  Inside, he
followed a group of people into a ward room with beds lining each side of the
room.  Numerous people stood in front of a tall painting at the far end of the
room.  From her vantage point, Caroline observed that it was a rather dark
    She and Liam
followed Uncle, Elizabeth and Patsie to join the crowd in front of the
    “Is this it,
    “I’m not sure,”
he replied.  As they moved closer, Caroline saw the top half; it was a dark
painting of men in the upper left-hand corner and the top of a balding man’s
head in the center.
    Several people in
the small crowd began to

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