The Sunshine Dame of Doom

Free The Sunshine Dame of Doom by Marcos Fizzotti

Book: The Sunshine Dame of Doom by Marcos Fizzotti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcos Fizzotti
Tags: Zombies
little and fixed eyes on him. He could no longer take his eyes off hers, as if some strange force was holding his head completely still, like nails attaching it to the neck.
    “Listen to this, my dear…”
    Then, Shane said:
    “The sunshine springs, happiness it brings.
    Those eyes you should follow, to keep away sorrow.
    Seek the giant bird you must, on her you shall blindly trust.
    For the good science you will urge, from all impurities to purge.”
    All expression disappeared from the man’s face. Shane spoke:
    “You’ll continue with your design work and let the little people fulfill their filthy; otherwise, so necessary duties. You’re not going to get anywhere near the field personnel. It’s better this way.”
    “It’s better this way.” He agreed like a robot.
    At that very moment, Paul showed up in the break room.
    “Hello chaps.” He said. “What’s up?”
    “Hi Paul!” Shane walked to him.
    “Hey Shane. Hi Nick!” He talked to his friend over her shoulder.
    But Nick kept looking stupidly at nothing.
    “Hey dumbass, I’m talking to you!” He insisted and turned to Shane. “What’s with him?”
    “Oh nothing” Shane replied. “He’s fine, very fine. Now, I’m glad you’re here, Paul. I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
    “Shoot.” He responded.
    She fixed eyes on him and he hopelessly got lost in hers.
    “Listen to this.” Shane said.

ACT 11
    “ We don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control …” Clark recited. “This is obviously a symbol against education. I just think they shouldn’t do that...”
    “No way!” Lily angrily retorted. “They got nothing against education! This is actually a statement to criticize the educational system in general, which sometimes smashes children instead of supporting them.”
    “But they clearly say we don’t need no education .”
    “And they say even more clearly we don’t need no thought control . That’s what the song is all about. You educate children, you inform children, but you don’t brainwash them with dark sarcasm in the classroom .”
    “Well, actually I can’t argue very much with that. It’s tough enough to be bullied by other kids, left alone by your teachers, who by the way should do something about it.”
    “Have you been bullied?”
    Clark lowered his eyes. She glanced at him.
    “So, have you been bullied?” She insisted.
    “Me too.”
    Mate looked at her.
    “No way!” He said.
    “My father was bullied too. I guess it’s a little price you pay when you respect other’s privacy, but they don’t respect yours. If you are a quiet one, people get curious. If you don’t satisfy their curiosity, they get cruel.”
    “There’s also a matter of character involved, don’t you think? Or at least lack of it.”
    “I never said otherwise. Rapes happen based on the same principle.”
    Clark stared at his shoes again. He raised his head, hesitated a lot, and then his eyes were back on the shoes.
    “No, I’ve never been raped.” Lily said, as if reading his dilemma. “I was almost raped once.”
    “I’m sorry to hear that, but happy to know nothing happened after all.”
    Lily smiled “I love the way you don’t know what to say, always knowing what to say.”
    “That’s me.” He replied, but frowning.
    A silence followed, but a comfortable one, until…
    “Hey, look that!” Clark suddenly jumped on his seat, pointing a finger ahead.
    “Speaking on bullying…”
    Lily turned the wheel harshly and the vehicle veered off abruptly. For a brief moment, two tires abandoned the floor. Like vultures, a pack of walking cadavers were about to devour a poor soul lying on the sand, who also looked like a corpse.
    “Stay here.” She spoke.
    Lily stepped out of the car and finished the beasts. She carried the human being in deplorable state to the

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