Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 4): April

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Book: Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 4): April by Dave Rowlands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
should know, mate!” then reached behind me to tap my sword's hilt.  “That old abandoned town we found, Melrose Park, or whatever it was called.”  The location of the crashed helicopter was marked clearly as well next to a crater that I assume signified the ruins of The Think Tank.
    I asked for people's opinions, the newcomers simply shrugging, not knowing the score all that well.  Archer suggested that the most likely place was the commune, so we should head there first.  Besides, he had left something behind when we had been forced out, he told us.  Something that might prove useful.  Sister simply shrugged and said that anywhere we go is fine with her.  Apocalypse Girl nodded, lost in her own thoughts momentarily, before saying in an ironic tone, “Let's head west, then!”

April 16Year 1 A.Z.
    The Disciple had graciously given us until dusk today to leave, but we had intended to be away in The Nightmare long before noon, if possible.  The Colonel would be on the move later this afternoon with the majority of her forces as well, though they were heading in a different direction.  She had been forced to negotiate with one of The Disciple's underlings, who had promised to leave her army and the area surrounding The School alone, provided The Schoolfolk stick to their area and the army stick to killing the Dead.
    The former city of Melbourne had been neatly divided up the middle, those on the South Side, The Schoolfolk and Mech-Techs, balanced by The Disciple's Followers and his mysterious allies from up north occupying the North End.  With an enormous section of the city destroyed by the masses of Dead that had rushed out from Melbourne to investigate the loud noises and interesting odours being created by the war between The Think Tank and The Family lying in between.
    True to their word, The Followers had retreated northwards, taking up residence in the buildings nearest the swathe of devastation that remained intact.  The Colonel swore a lot, more than usual this morning, but she made ready to leave.  She still planned to seek out other survivor groups, thinking that the island state of Tasmania, being relatively isolated from the mainland, would be an ideal place to begin her search.  From there she would return to the mainland then head west along the coast until reaching Adelaide.  After that she was torn.  To the west lay the city of Perth, but between those two former population centres was a vast expanse of nothingness.  The other option was to head north.
    The Soldier was not a happy man this morning.  He had discovered that although his Colonel respected and admired his dedication he was not to join her in her search.  She had ordered him to remain behind at the furniture shop with a group of about twenty men, giving The Schoolfolk a little more firepower should The Followers renege on their arrangement.  He saw the sense in it, knew that he was the best man for the job, but hated the fact that he would be left behind.
    Our friends had come out to the furniture shop to bid us farewell, Doctor and Nurse giving us a bundle of medical supplies of various flavours, mostly bandages, some painkillers as well.  Many of The Mech-Techs were there, as well, Stutter and Nutter among them.  The former was trying to talk, the latter simply had a dejected expression.  Apparently we would find what we sought “In a place of death and destruction” but we would not know it until it was almost too late.  The Colonel had furnished us with a reasonable amount of spare ammunition, as she had more than enough guns and bullets, her problem was fast becoming a lack of manpower to use said weaponry.  The Principal had given us more than enough food and water than we had hoped for, enough for a few weeks, at least.
    There was much hugging, shaking of hands, laughter, tears, all of that.  The Twin wanted to come with us, but Traveller and Daughter were her family now,

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