Savage Bay
Touchdown, requesting a Situation Report from the Titan Six team.
    “All six hostiles down,” said Hawkeye. “No casualties on our side.”   
    “Now that we know this was an incursion -- a planned attack -- what are your thoughts?” Caine asked.
    “Well,” said Hawkeye, “we have to assume a worst case scenario: that a large hostile force is occupying the Savage Bay facility. We have no idea what their numbers are or what they intend to do. It’s been several hours. If this was just a hit-and-run raid, a kidnapping, or some type of industrial espionage, they should have been long gone by now.”
    “I agree,” said Caine. “It doesn’t make any sense that they would still be there after so much time has passed. There must be some variable we aren’t considering.”
    “If we’re going to retake the Savage Bay facility from an occupying force, we’re going to need reinforcements,” said Hawkeye. “A frontal assault against a larger force occupying a defensive position is unworkable.”
     “We can pull five tactical teams from the Sudan and Pakistan, but there’s no way we can have them on site for at least five hours,” said Touchdown.   
    “Make it happen,” said Caine. “Let’s set that in motion and figure out what other options we have until we can get reinforcements to Savage Bay.”
    “We may still be able to enter the facility and do recon if we’re careful,” said Hawkeye. “And if there’s an opportunity for a search-and extraction of some of the staff, maybe we can pull them out before the tactical teams arrive.”
    “You’re going to need a covert entrance,” said Quiz.
    “And there’s got to be a way to minimize or neutralize some of the threat from the commandos inside the complex,” said Hawkeye. “Let’s talk it through.”
    “Quiz, could you bring up the Savage Bay floor plan?” asked Cruz.
    Within seconds, a slowly rotating 3-D diagram of the facility rotated on the holographic display.
    “Okay, the Savage Bay complex was hollowed out inside the granite mountain that forms the central ridge of the island,” said Cruz.
    “Talk to me about the layout,” said Hawkeye.
    “The main entrance actually lies alongside a kilometer long tunnel bored straight through the heart of the mountain,” said Cruz. “The tunnel is wide enough to accommodate large trucks and runs along a north-south axis. At the South Portal is a gravel road to the beach.”
    “And the north entrance?” said Hawkeye.
    “At the North Portal is a floating dock in a deepwater cove. Ships unload cargo for transport down the main tunnel to the cargo bay.”
    “Okay,” said Hawkeye. “So two entrances, and they’re both situated off a tunnel that runs right through the middle of the mountain. Lovely. Tell me about the blast doors.”
    “The main entrance and the cargo bay entrance are both secured by two twenty-five ton steel blast doors,” said Cruz. “They were designed during the Cold War to protect the old submarine base from a nuclear strike.”
    “And the general floor plan?”
    “Behind the blast doors is the building complex constructed in a grid of excavated chambers. There are three levels, below which is the submarine facility.”
    “Let’s assume the blast doors are closed and secured,” said Hawkeye. “Is there any way to open the doors from the outside?”
    “No. When those doors are shut, Savage Bay is a fortress. It’s virtually impregnable.”
    “The facility is currently in lockdown,” said Caine. “Is that correct, Touchdown?”
    “Affirmative. Satellite data confirms that the outer doors are down. Plus our inability to access Savage Bay’s computer network indicates that complete lockdown protocols have been initiated. It’s an electronic lockdown as well.”
    “What about ventilation?” asked Tank.
    “No love there either,” Cruz replied. “The fresh air intakes are located at the South Portal access, but the vents are less than a quarter meter in

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