
Free Promises by Lisa L Wiedmeier

Book: Promises by Lisa L Wiedmeier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa L Wiedmeier
disappeared and returned with a glass of water. He helped me sit up. I was only able to take a few small sips before I became too weak to swallow. The water dribbled out between my lips, and my head fell back into his hand. Seconds later, I was in the bathtub, immersed in cold water. Maes returned and dumped the buckets of ice in the tub.
    Every inch of me was crying out, every muscle screaming in agony. A few minutes later, additional buckets of ice were added. Maes’s shoulders were tense as he watched me shiver. Callon was serene, confident, composed. He knew what he was doing, and he knew what would work.
    I remained still for as long as I could before I struggled to get out again. The icy water was taking its toll. My skin felt like someone was pricking me with needles. Callon moved over the top of the tub, resting his hands on the ledges to keep me in place. All I could do was stare into his eyes—those deep, always searching eyes that seemed to peer into the depths of my soul.
    “ How long do you think the fever will last?” Maes hovered close. The tone in his voice clearly displayed his worry. I was touched by his concern, when it dawned on me that if I died I couldn’t help him. He was only worried for his own ends.
    “ A while. This isn’t the first time she’s gone through this. During the last episode, she lost her hearing and sight for about twelve hours. The good news is that she isn’t complaining of a headache,” Callon replied.
    “ She’s had headaches too? How many? How bad were they?” Maes fired out his questions.
    Callon hesitated, unsure whether to answer.
    “ Since we’ve been with her, she’s had at least two severe ones. The last was just a couple weeks ago. She had the same high temperature.” Callon’s brow furrowed. “It’s happened sooner than I thought…
    “ Her mother had the headaches before she transformed. Sometimes they were really bad. I don’t remember her having fevers. Sahara turned earlier than anyone thought she would.”
    Callon glanced at Maes.
    “ Thanks,” Callon said sincerely. “I needed to know that.”
    My mother suffered as I did …I wouldn’t have thought it to be comforting, but it was. Did Maes know my mother, or was this just something he’d heard?
    Callon and Maes turned toward me once more. I knew they saw the agony I was in. I knew the fever was horrendous, but the bath was equally unbearable. I thrust myself forward with what little energy I had left and made a final attempt to get out. Both pushed me back down and held me there. My eyes closed, and the tears trickled down my cheeks.
    “ I’m sorry, sweetheart. We don’t have any other choice,” Callon whispered.
    I lost track of time…an inferno raged from within. More buckets of ice were added. I seemed to burn through it as I shook. Other heavy footsteps entered the bathroom. My head was turned to the side, and I heard a soft click.
    “ She’s at one hundred and two,” Colt said as he brushed the hair from my eyes.
    “ Callon,” I weakly called out through trembling lips. “I’m so cold. Can’t I come out now? Everything hurts…please,” I begged.
    Callon shook his head in reply.
    Colt moved past Callon and pushed his hand into the icy water to hold mine. He didn’t need to speak a word for me to know how worried he was; I saw it in his eyes.
    My lids fell shut as I succumbed to the weakness. I allowed my head to flop limply to the side as more time passed.
    A soft click echoed in my ear. “She’s down to ninety-nine now,” Daniel called out.
    “ Pull her out,” Callon said.
    Colt lifted me out of the water, and Maes wrapped a large towel around me and held me upright. The shivering continued.
    “ Cheyenne,” Callon said with an appraising stare. “You need to get into dry clothes. Lilly’s not here to help. Can you do this by yourself?”
    I gave a single weak nod, and Maes helped me sit on the corner of the tub as my guardians left, closing the door behind them.

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