Lynn Wood - Norman Brides 03

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Book: Lynn Wood - Norman Brides 03 by The Promise Keeper Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Promise Keeper
    Michel shoved a frustrated hand through his shoulder length hair.  “So what do you suggest we do with her?”

Chapter Five
    A week following their guest’s arrival Michel rose before dawn and sought the privacy of a nearby stream to bathe.  He was not eager to rise at such an hour, particularly when he would spend the remainder of the day cooling his heels while he waited word of the king’s death.  It was not his original plan to skulk around the outskirts of his grandfather’s kingdom in such a ridiculous manner.  He had assumed he and his army of skilled soldiers would storm down on the city’s unsuspecting defenders as soon as they were within reach of the city, but all of his half-formulated plans changed when he met King Barnabas. 
    His honor now prevented him from taking his birthright from the man who had watched over it in his stead in the guise of his faithful steward.  No, he would not have the king’s final hours disturbed by the heinous cries of war and worry over his people’s welfare.
    As he passed through the entrance of his tent, Michel noted most of his men still slept around the now slumbering fires.  He nodded in the direction of the guards posted nearby, and followed the path towards the stream from which he and his companions and horses drew their fresh water each day.  His men were not obliged to rise at such an early hour because they did not share in Michel’s burden.
    Since Elena’s arrival at their camp, Michel had acquired a second shadow from the moment of his rising until he sought the privacy of his tent in the late evening hours.  The maid followed him around wherever he went.  Even when he was out of her sight, she seemed to have a sixth sense as to his movements.  She sat nearby as silent as the shadow she brought to mind when he trained with his men. When he rode off towards the city to take the measure of its defenses, she followed in his wake, her watchful eyes always on his face.  Such was her devotion to him it had become a source of amusement to his men. Even Amele wondered at his patience with the king’s young niece.
    For his part, Michel took her silent presence in stride.  From the time he was a boy, he was used to having his twin trailing after him, pestering him with questions or giving him the benefit of one of her outrageous opinions.  He found Elena’s silent company a pleasant contrast to Melissa’s constant boasts and competitive nature, but he drew the line at having her tagging along when he bathed.  Amele jokingly suggested he allow her to accompany him on one of his early morning excursions.  Their young guest would likely be so shocked by the view afforded her she would scurry back to her solitary tent and think twice before pestering him again.  Michel had laughed at Amele’s cajolery but merely shook his head denying his helpful suggestion and continued with his very early morning trips to the stream.
    Upon reaching the water, Michel shed his clothes and stepped into the icy stream, accepting the resulting discomfort as just one more test of his will. He ducked his head beneath the surface and scrubbed his shoulder length hair and bearded face.  He ran his fingers across it and decided he would not be sorry to rid himself of the thick growth of facial hair, but for now he would leave it unshaven.  He had more pressing matters on his mind than the scruffiness of his beard.
    He dipped his head again and then irritated to find the thin silver chain he wore around his neck tangled in his hair, he pulled on the chain to free it. The stone seemed intent on making its presence known to him at every possible moment.  Michel wasn’t certain how he could forget it, as he’d been forced to free both his hair and his beard from the chain’s restraint innumerable times since becoming the stone’s reluctant guardian. 
    A muttered curse escaped his lips as the thin silver strand only entwined itself more fully in his wet hair the

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